Corey Garza
AGU Board of Directors
Director I
For the past 14 years I have coordinated geoscience programming for the annual SACNAS (Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) conference. I also run the SACNAS GeoFutures Program, a National Science Foundation-funded mentoring program for SACNAS geoscience students. I currently chair the STEM subcommittee for SACNAS and am completing my final year as a member of their board of directors. For the last two years, I have served on AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.
The AGU strategic plan represents a significant pivot for AGU. Board members must work together with each other, other volunteer leaders, and staff to play a key role in implementing the plan. What are the key features of the strategic plan that you find most exciting? What features do you think will be most challenging? As a Board member how would you advance the strategic plan?
The new AGU strategic plan, though a significant pivot for the society, presents some exciting opportunities for change and the way we think about engaging in geoscience research. The society's enhanced focus on promoting and exemplifying an inclusive scientific culture is especially exciting for me. When we bring in diverse individuals to our field, it enhances our science by bringing in new perspectives and approaches that may not have historically been present in the geosciences. Intersecting this focus by partnering with other societies can advance AGU's strategic goal of catalyzing discovery and solutions to scientific and societal challenges. Bringing these goals together in a synthetic manner will represent a unique challenge for AGU as some of these goals have historically been worked on in isolation from each other. I will bring my experience working across the interface of discovery and applied science and my background in working with diverse groups to help advance these strategic goals. As a board member, it will be important to recognize that while we may disagree on ways to advance these goals, we have the well-being of the society at heart. As a Board member I will work to ensure that all views represented on the Board are valued. I will use my experience as a Board member of a national STEM society (SACNAS) to develop strategies in which the diverse perspectives on the AGU Board work together to help advance a new generation of scientific research, inclusivity and leadership within the society.
Section affiliations:
Education; Ocean Science; Science and Society