Online Discussion Session Chair Guidelines
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Online Discussion Session Chair Guidelines
Online Discussion Session Chair Guidelines
To prepare for your online discussion session, please review all the information below.
Online discussion presenters have the option to either upload slides or create an iPoster to use for their presentation. They may choose their preferred format for sharing their research.
Before the Meeting
Online Session Chair Preparation
- Select one primary chair to introduce and moderate the entire session with co-conveners/co-chairs as back-ups (if needed).
- Practice pronouncing all presenter names and affiliations.
- Prepare some discussion points in case there are not many audience questions. You can allow one or two individual questions after each presentation or decide to wait until after all presentations before presenters move to individual monitors.
Online Session Chair Responsibilities
- Please view the online program to view the schedule of your session and check for any changes or updates.
- Review the FIHM Code of Conduct and the Best Practices for Inclusive Remote Meetings guidance on potential issues you may face as a session chair.
- Meetings Guidelines on Photography and Social Media.
- Photos are allowed for personal use in all settings, including scientific sessions, unless the presenter indicates otherwise. Presenters can do this by displaying a digital “No Photo” image on their slides or poster. This image is available for download from the presenter guidelines.
- Reach out in advance to the presenting authors in your session and review how the session will run and discuss in advance a general discussion topic based on the presentations. This session format provides an opportunity to discuss or highlight some of the larger science questions around the presentations or explore future needs and challenges. Session chairs may access the contact information for presenting authors in your session via the Participant's Corner or presentation management system.
Day of Your Session
- Online discussion sessions will take place in Zoom Meeting.
- Join 20 minutes prior to start of the session using the link in the program. Joining early is important as it allows time to make sure that presenters’ computer sound and video are working and that presenters can share their screen.
- Online presenters will share their screens to display their slides or online poster (uploaded presentations serve as a backup for A/V team or in-person session chairs).
- Each presenter will present as outlined by the session conveners and participate in discussion and Q&A.
- Ensure that all speakers are treated equally and have their fully allotted time.
- Use any reasonable means to stop a speaker who has exceeded the allotted time. The session must stay on schedule for both the audience and other speakers, per the approved program.
- Interrupt speakers to ask them to speak more audibly, slowly or clearly, if needed.
- Be aware of signs of aggressive questioning which may border on bullying, especially if directed toward student or early career scientists. Please intervene in real time if you witness such behavior.
- Know that only an author listed on a paper may present. No substitutions are permitted.
- No papers may be added or moved to another session and presentations CANNOT be moved to different sessions.