2022 FRONTIERS IN HYDROLOGY MEETING - Poster Presenter Guidelines
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General Information
Oral Presenter Guidelines
eLightning Presenter Guidelines
Poster Presenter Guidelines
Online Discussion Presenter Guidelines
If you are presenting in a poster session to prepare for your session, please review all the information below.
Before the meeting
Creating Your Paper Poster
- Poster presenters must create a traditional paper poster for display in the poster hall.
- Each presenter will be provided a poster board that is 8’ W x 4’ H. The maximum poster dimensions are 2.4 meters wide by 1.2 meters high (6′ W x 4′ H). Allow for a 1-inch border.
- If you are presenting Monday or Tuesday, your poster will be on display both Monday and Tuesday. If you are presenting Thursday or Friday, your poster will be on display both Thursday and Friday.
Creating Your Interactive Poster (Optional)
- If you have a paper poster onsite, you are encouraged to create an online poster for online attendees to view. Review the information below if you want to learn about this option. Poster presenters will receive instructions via email on creating and publishing their iPoster by the deadline of 15 June.
- iPoster edits will be possible until 30 June.
- All poster presenters will upload their dynamic, interactive online poster through a web-based platform. The aMuze! iPosterSessions platform is a flexible HTML based poster format that allows authors to create interactive presentations that can include:
- high-resolution images
- high-definition videos and animations
- detailed charts and diagrams
- slide shows
- audio files
- voice-over narrations
- scrolling content
- links to external data sets and other dynamic content
- Authors may also choose to upload a simple PDF format directly to the iPosterSessions platform; however, it is highly recommended that authors utilize the customizable templates within the iPosterSessions platform.
- Authors also have the option of recording a brief introduction or summary recording linked in the presentation.
Day of your session
- Presenting Monday or Tuesday
- Set up your paper poster on Monday between 07:30 – 08:00
- Remove your poster Tuesday between 18:00 – 18:30
- Poster not removed by 18:30 on Tuesday will be removed and recycled.
- Presenting Thursday or Friday
- Set up your paper poster on Wednesday between 07:30 – 08:00
- Remove your poster Friday between 18:00 – 18:30
- Poster not removed by 18:30 on Friday will be removed and recycled.
- Push pins are available at the poster assistance table in the poster hall.
- To locate your assigned poster board, note the final two digits of your paper number. For example, paper “201-024” will have the board marked “024”
- Presenters must be available during their assigned poster session.
Technical Support for iPosters
- For an overview of editing the templates and a look at how your poster will be displayed at your forum, check out our Tutorials.
- If you have questions about creating your presentation, you’ll find answers to most of them by visiting our Quick Guide and FAQ.
- If you'd like a little inspiration, take a look at some Sample Posters.
- You will find links to all of the above under the Support Button on the Main Tool Bar of your editing template.
- If you have trouble accessing the iPoster Editor Site, please contact our Support Desk here.