Other Events
The large global geoscience societies (e.g., AGU, EGU, JpGU) have increasingly been promoting and supporting diversity, inclusion, and equity in the Earth and Space sciences with varying degrees of success. This session will focus on remaining challenges, new ideas, or successful approaches for advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in the geosciences.
Example topics include, but are not limited to:
- Examples of successful high impact practices
- The role of mentoring programs
- Recognising and promoting role models
- Gathering reliable longitudinal data to benchmark progress
- Enabling greater participation of researchers from low to middle income countries
- Use of community science and traditional knowledge to bridge underrepresented communities and the geosciences
For this session, we aim to schedule 5-8 min presentations and then use the remaining time to synthesize contributions and discuss challenges and ways forward. In the centenary year of AGU, this is particularly relevant as we look towards the next 100 years.
December 2019
From Wednesday, 11 December 2019 08:00 AM
To Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:20 PM
Moscone South
Poster Hall