About the Postdoctoral Research Fellows Program
Building Key Competencies for 21st Century Scientists
Early-career scientists, specifically at the postdoctoral level, are uniquely positioned to advance the systemic changes needed in the Earth and space sciences as well as other disciplines in science, technology, engineering, arts, math and medicine (STEAMM).
In the years following graduate studies, scientists develop both their identities and their personal values as professionals, researchers, educators and mentors. Often, scholars depict postdoctoral researchers as facing precarious conditions; concerning job security; and diverse personal responsibilities. A small body of scholarship about postdoctoral researchers in and out of the United States poses that this group faces increasing barriers.
The AGU LANDInG-PRFP (NSF Award Number:2123549) fills an existing gap of professional learning and development opportunities that offers critical competencies anchored in inclusive science and other needed competencies for successful 21st-century scientists at this critical transition. This two-year program is designed to maximize the future success of a national cohort of 60+ STEMM Postdoctoral Fellows as professionals, scientists, mentors and educators.
AGU LANDInG-PRFP program offers 1) a robust curriculum rooted in theory and practice and relevant Earth and social sciences; 2) relationship-building and networking, peer-to-peer support; 3) career and toolkit development, and 4) leadership opportunities. The program includes an orientation, a graduation, regular virtual meetings, a 1.5-day annual hybrid conference, and an AGU Certificate.
AGU LANDInG-PRFP will leverage the resources and reach of the currently funded AGU LANDInG (ICER 2036823). The program is tailored for the National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships from the Office of Polar Programs and the Division of Ocean Sciences in the Geosciences Directorate. In the future, AGU is looking to expand this program beyond Ocean and Polar Sciences.
Early-career scientists, specifically at the postdoctoral level, are uniquely positioned to advance the systemic cultural shift needed to correct these trends. In the years following graduate studies, scientists develop independent professional identities and their personal values as researchers, educators and mentors. LANDInG-PRFP will fill an existing gap of professional development opportunities that address inclusive science and other needed competencies for successful 21st-century scientists at this critical transition. For these reasons, AGU is looking to expand the program beyond these two divisions.
Within Earth sciences, the PRFP program may be the only professional learning and development program of its kind.
How to participate
Applicants for the AGU LANDInG Postdoctoral Research Fellows Program must apply and obtain NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Geosciences Directorate in the Division of Ocean Sciences and Office of Polar Program. Please consult the respective fellowship application websites.
Testimonials from AGU Postdoctoral Fellows
Based on evaluations from 2021-2023 years, Fellows highlighted the following aspects of their participation in PRFP:
- Gratitude for the fellowship and program leaders, who fostered a network of like-minded individuals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work.
- Appreciation for resources such as inclusive mentoring, grant-writing support, and exposure to diversity statements.
- Strengthening of Resume/CVs, job opportunities, and gain of new perspectives on future career options attributed to PRFP support.
- Enhanced professional development experience through virtual meetings, interactions with fellow postdocs, and discussions on relevant topics such as anti-DEI laws and inclusive learning practices.
- Value of connections with other postdocs, both in large and small group discussions, and interactions with NSF program officers
“Including identity and intersectionality in science communication storytelling is a really effective tool for adding humanity to a scientist and such that these individuals can serve as role models for future generations.” – Alumni Fellow July 2024
"My new supervisor is… extremely supportive of my commitment to completing the LANDInG program and agreed that my time spent with LANDInG is an important part of my professional development in this new role….Thank you for all your work with LANDInG, this has been a really meaningful training program for me." - Alumni Fellow June 2023
"Aixa, thank you also for the ideas you offered during our check in in early May. Your suggestions of things to think about and talk through with NSF were really helpful as I was negotiating my position [full time job as staff in a university/STEM education research program for historically marginalized groups] and helped me find a version of this job transition that works really well for me." - Alumni Fellow June 2023
The PRFP allows values feedback for improvement, and we are always adjusting our program to adjust to our fellows needs. Some feedback we have received include:
- Focus on personal career advancement
- Desire for more emphasis on DEI learning
- More constructive feedback provided
- Suggestions for streamlining communication methods
- Incorporating more active learning and engagement activities
- Allocating more time for small group discussions
- Debrief sessions after emotionally challenging topics
- Considering time zone variations for scheduling
- Structured breaks
- Sessions focused on practical training topics
- More opportunities for processing and discussing conference content
2022-2024 Cohort
NSF Postdoctoral Fellows in Ocean Sciences
Jordan Abell, University of Arizona
Marion Alberty, Princeton University
Eleanor Arrington, University of California, Santa Barbara
Janet Burke, Michigan State University
Alli Cramer, University of Washington
Josh Cullen, Florida State University
Ashley Dinauer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Kyle Emery, University of California, Los Angeles
Kiefer Forsch, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Kara Gadeken, SUNY at Stony Brook
Remy Gatins, Northeastern University
Kyle Heine, Auburn University
Jennifer Hoey, California Academy of Sciences
Michael Hudak, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Kaycie Lanpher, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Astrid Leitner, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Diana Lopez, Florida State University
Selva Marroquin, California Institute of Technology
Christopher Murray, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Aaron Ninokawa, University of Washington
Joshua Sackett, University of Cincinnati Main Campus
Karina Scavo, University of Texas Austin
Benjamin Urann, University of Wyoming
Daniel Utter, California Institute of Technology
Office of Polar Programs Fellows
Ken Zhao, Oregon State University
Blair Perry, Washington State University
Sophie Wensman, Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute
Erin Rooney, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Emily Tibbett, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lillian Parker, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Angela Szesciorka, Oregon State University
Alexander Huth, Princeton University
Anna Ruth Halberstadt, Berkeley Geochronology Center
Angel Ruacho, University of Washington
Katherine Hudson, Stony Brook University
2023-2025 Cohort
Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Fellows
Peter Chutcharavan, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Jason Coenen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Matthew Confer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cassandra Cassie Ettinger, University of California-Riverside
Andrew Gase, Western Washington University
Mohammed Hashim, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Kira Homola, University of California-Los Angeles
Ariana Huffmyer, University of Rhode Island
Molly Moynihan, Marine Biological Laboratory
Matthew Sasaki, University of Vermont
Sandi Smart, University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
Kelly Speare, Arizona State University
Martine Wagstaff, University of California-Santa Barbara
Office of Polar Programs Fellows
Kristina Collins, Space Science Institute
Katherine Hayes, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
John Hood, The University of Chicago
Astrid Pacini, University of Washington
Marisa Repasch, University of Colorado, Boulder
Meghan Schaberg, Colorado State University
Taylor Van Doren, University of Alaska, Anchorage
2024-2025 Cohort
Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Fellows
Molly Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Nicholas Baetge, Oregon State University
Katharine Bigham, University of Washington
Pavel Dimens, Cornell University
Kelsey Doiron, Harvard University
Brianna Garcia, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Broc Kokesh, University of California Berkeley
Emily Longman, University of Vermont
Connor Love, University of Rhode Island
Zachary Quinlan, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Nathan Spindel, San Jose State University
Laura Sunberg, University of Colorado Boulder
Tyler Wooldridge, University of California Santa Cruz
Brittany Zepernick, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Office of Polar Programs Fellows
Sara Schaal, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Julia York, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jessica Turner, University of Connecticut
Benjamin Hills, Colorado School of Mines
Annika Horlings, University of Colorado at Boulder
Hannah Joy-Warren, University of Washington
Molly Keogh, Oregon State University
Laura Moore, Oregon State University
Elizabeth Webb, University of Oregon Eugene -Geography, and Polar STEAM
Rachael Herman, SUNY at Stony Brook
Emelia Chamberlain, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Michelle Salzano, Space Science Institute