
Oral/Workshop Presentation Slide Guidelines

Please review the information on the Present page for information and instructions regarding your participation in the meeting.

To upload your proofed and FINAL presentation online prior to 21 June at 17:00 CDT (UTC -5), follow the instructions below under “Uploading Your Presentation.”

You will be able to submit a revised presentation file onsite in the Speaker Ready Room no later than 24 hours prior to the start of your session.

Presentation Slides and Templates

Presenters may choose a slide template of their choice or use the optional branded slide template below.

WaterSciCon24 PPT template (optional)

Uploading Your Presentation

Oral presentations can be uploaded either onsite at the Speaker Ready Room or online prior to the conference via the presenter upload site. The deadline to upload slides is 21 June at 17:00 CDT (UTC -5). If you have missed the upload deadline, you must visit the onsite Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours or as early as possible before your session to upload your slides. Please note, all session room computers/laptops will be PCs. MacBooks will not be available.

Please submit your proofed and FINAL presentation slides. When reviewing your slides, make sure all fonts appear as expected and all audio/video clips are working properly. If needed, you will be able to upload a revision online before the upload deadline on 21 June or via the Speaker Ready Room, which will open 15:00 – 19:00 on Sunday, 23 June. Please note that if you upload your presentation online, it is recommended that you still check in to the Speaker Ready Room onsite to confirm your slides appear correctly.

NOTE: Do not edit your slides less than four hours prior to your session. The A/V staff cannot guarantee that your updated slides will be in the session room at the time of your presentation.

If you have any questions regarding the specifications for your presentation, please email the Avex team.

Electronic files must be submitted online or in the Speaker Ready Room using one of the formats listed below:

  • PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 365 or earlier version.
  • Preferred video format: .mp4.
  • Acceptable video formats (may require conversion, please allow extra time) .mov, .avi, .mpg, .mp4.
  • PDF Reader: Adobe Acrobat. Note: Acrobat PDF documents will be displayed from the PC in the session room.
  • Unix Users: Bring Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files.
  • Keynote Users: Export your presentation to PowerPoint and to PDF and bring both files to the Speaker Ready Room.
  • If you bring your presentation on a USB Drive to the Speaker Ready Room, the drive should be PC Formatted.

16:9 High-Definition Projection in all session rooms

Oral session rooms will be equipped with computer systems and projectors that display at 1920×1080 resolution. This high-definition display will enhance the quality of your presentation by providing a bright and clear display of your presentation in the session room.

To take full advantage of the widescreen display, you should create your presentation in 16:9 aspect ratio.

All versions of PowerPoint since 2013 default to a 16:9 widescreen display. For other versions of PowerPoint, click on the “Design” tab. Click “Page Setup”. PowerPoint will default to Slides sized for: “On-screen Show (4:3)”. Change the setting to “On-screen Show (16:9) and click OK. (See below)

If you do not format your presentation in 16:9 then the presentation will fill the screen from top to bottom but will display with black bars to the left and right of your slides.

Changing the aspect ratio of a presentation can rearrange all the content in your slides. If you have already finished creating your presentation in 4:3 for this year, we recommend leaving it as-is and creating new presentations in 16:9 moving forward.

View the style guide for tips on how to make your presentation clear, concise, and appealing to your audience.

If you have technical questions regarding your presentation, please contact the Avex technical support team. Include the following information in your message for reference:

  • The operating system and presentation software version numbers are listed on your computer.
  • Details regarding your video/graphic file types.
  • Your WaterSciCon24 abstract number.

Speaker Ready Room Basics

Oral session presenters are highly encouraged to upload their presentation prior to the meeting or, if unable to upload online, to check into the onsite Speaker Ready Room (Meeting Room 9) at least 24 hours before their presentation. If you cannot upload your presentation in advance or onsite 24 hours before your session, that is okay. Please go to the Speaker Ready Room (Meeting Room 9) as early as possible before the start of your session. Those presenting on Monday, 24 June are strongly encouraged to visit the Speaker Ready Room on Sunday, 23 June between 15:00–19:00.

Presentations may be reviewed in the Speaker Ready Room to be certain the fonts and videos are displayed correctly. You may also edit your presentation at this time. Checking in at the Speaker Ready Room on-site is the most important step you will take to ensure your presentation is a success.

Speaker Ready Room Hours (CDT)

Sunday, 23 June 15:00 - 19:00

Monday, 24 June, 7:00 - 18:00

Tuesday, 25 June, 8:00 - 18:00

Wednesday, 26 June, 8:00 - 18:00

Thursday, 27 June, 8:00 - 11:30

Important Reminder

We recommend you bring at least two copies of your presentation file (on CD-ROM, DVD, or USB storage device) to the meeting in case there is an issue with your presentation.

The file will be transferred to the computer network at the WaterSciCon24 meeting. When the presentation is to be given, the file will be loaded on the computer in the oral session room. Once the presentation has started, the speaker will control the presentation using a computer mouse. At the end of the meeting, all files will be destroyed.


You must provide identification to submit and access your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room. USB ports and CD/DVD drives on the computers are disabled so no presentations can be copied; external storage devices will not function on the meeting room computers. Cameras and video equipment are not permitted in the Speaker Ready Room. If you have any questions regarding the specifications for presentations, please email our A/V partner, Avex.

Audiovisual Equipment and Support

A/V Equipment

Please note, all session room computers/laptops will be PCs. MacBooks will not be available. A local monitor is provided and will mirror what the audience sees. (Note: Presenter View is not supported). A computer audio connection to the house sound system is provided for audio playback from the presentation system.

PC Configuration

Processor: a minimum Core i7 2.93 GHz
1920 x 1080 at 24 bit color depth (16:9 High Definition)
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (fully updated)
Microsoft Office 2021 Professional (fully updated)
Windows Media Player (Version 12)
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Latest Version)

Laptop support

To support presenters who want to review and modify their presentations while at WaterSciCon24, there will be support for file transfers. If you plan to do this, bring a backup of the presentation to the Speaker Ready Room on alternate media, including CD-ROM, DVD, or USB storage device, in case there is a problem transferring the file from the laptop. The audiovisual personnel will attempt to transfer the file from a laptop to the network. This procedure may include connecting a flash drive or external hard disk to the laptop or configuring a network card. If you have a network card, bring it with you. Plan extra time to be certain the files can be transferred. Please make sure you have all power, video, and networking adapters.

Important Reminder

Personal laptops CANNOT be used in meeting rooms while giving your oral presentation. You must upload your visuals from the Speaker Ready Room. Speaker Ready Room personnel are not responsible for your devices (i.e., memory cards, disks, laptops, etc.)

Questions and Resources

  1. If you have any questions regarding the specifications for your presentation, please email our technical support team.
  2. If you have any questions regarding the scientific program, please contact the Scientific Program Team.
  3. Please check the online scientific program for any updates to the program.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Guidelines


  • Maximum Poster Dimensions: 45” x 45” (3.75 feet by 3.75 feet). Please do not exceed these maximum dimensions.
  • Each presenter will share an 8’W x 4’H poster board side.

Font Recommendations

  • Paragraph/captions — 24 points (0.9 centimeters high) minimum
  • Headers — 36 points (1.2 centimeters high) minimum
  • Use different colors and textures/symbols for each line or bar.
  • Use a serif font (e.g., Times) for main text.
  • Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) for headers and labels.

Organizational Best Practices

  • Organize the poster so it is clear, orderly, and self-explanatory.
  • Group similar ideas together.
  • Label elements as I, II, III; or 1, 2, 3; or A, B, C.
  • Avoid clutter (e.g., too much text).
  • Include key details such as background, results, and conclusion.
  • Put the title and number of your paper at the top of the poster board.
  • Highlight authors’ names and contact information.

Important Details

  • Do not laminate your poster so that it can be recycled.
  • Make sure diagrams or charts can be read from 2 meters away.
  • Allow for a 2.54-centimeter (1-inch) border.

Poster Hall Hours

All poster sessions will take place in Hall A of the Saint Paul RiverCentre at the following times (CDT):

Tuesday, 25 June, 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM

Wednesday, 26 June, 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM

Thursday, 27 June, 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM, Tear down begins at 5PM

Poster Printing Information

Loffler Business Center is conveniently located inside Saint Paul RiverCentre and can fulfill your copying, binding, printing and signage needs.

Loffler Business Center Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (closed each day from 2:00 - 3:00 PM)
  • Additional hours available upon request for a fee.

For more information, contact the business center at (651) 726-8273.

No Photos

If you would like to prevent attendees from taking photographs of your work, please add the following icon to your poster or presentation.

No photos icon

Download No Photos Icon

Cite Your WaterSciCon24 Abstract

Authors can cite their WaterSciCon24 abstract in the following format: Author(s) (2024), Title, Abstract (Final paper number, e.g., 101-01) presented at WaterSciCon 2024, 24-27 June 2024.

ESS Open Archive

Increase your poster or presentation’s visibility and reach after WaterSciCon24: give it a DOI, and make it citable and trackable via the ESS Open Archive. AGU is a sponsor of the ESS Open Archive, a community preprint and presentation archival server established to accelerate the open discovery and dissemination of Earth and space science early research outputs. Submissions to ESS Open Archive this year can be made manually by following the instructions on our Submission Guide:

ESS Open Archive Submission Guide