Program and Schedule

Session Formats

WaterSciCon24 will offer session formats that foster and encourage discussion across the meeting and will incorporate design principles around hands-on learning. Session formats, including workshops and round tables, foster and encourage discussion across the meeting. Collaboration includes:

  • Dozens of hands-on workshops that teach skills, expand knowledge, and sharing resources
  • Open discussion and engagement times.
  • On-demand engagement
  • Available spaces for impromptu networking and meetups

Learning workshop proposals are now closed. Workshops are an integral part of this program and almost all are included in the registration fee.


These sessions cover a range of water topics.

Oral Sessions

These 90-minute scientific sessions will be allocated by the program committee after abstract submission. The sessions will include talks and moderated Q&A discussions with presenters and the audience. Many sessions, but not all, will be linked to hands-on workshops also being conducted at the meeting.


Workshops are a core for WaterSciCon24. They are hands-on, collaborative, and interactive sessions intended to actively engage the audience. These sessions may or not be coupled with a scientific session. More than three dozen learning workshops will be conducted as part of the scientific program.

Poster Session

WaterSciCon24 will offer poster sessions and all approved scientific sessions will receive, at the minimum, a poster component. Sessions will be allocated by the scientific organizing committee after abstract submission.


These sessions are narrowly-focused content on emerging topics significant scientific or scientific-education-policy interests that are suitable for interactive discussions. Brief introductions of 3-6 panelists are followed by moderated discussion led by 1-2 moderators. Panels that include representation from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged.

Town Hall

Proposed by the community and open to all meeting participants, these one-hour sessions, are best for:

  • Collecting feedback or raising awareness.
  • Government agencies, academic programs, special projects and other focused interest groups to deliver updates and gather input from the broader astrobiology community.
  • Presentation, roundtable or panel discussion formats.

Approved town halls will be:

  • Open to all meeting attendees.
  • Focused on topics that do not compete with, substitute or duplicate scientific or learning sessions.