Middle Career
Peer nomination required
Recognizing Atmospheric and Oceanographic Scientists
The Harald Sverdrup Lecture recognizes outstanding contributions to, as well as unselfish promotion of cooperation in, atmospheric and oceanographic research. This lecture was named in honor of the life and work of the geophysicist, Harald Sverdrup. A lecturer is selected annually.
The Sverdrup Lecture is also a part of the Bowie Lecture Series, established to commemorate the 50th presentation of the William Bowie medal, AGU's highest honor. The Bowie medal is named in honor of AGU's first president and Sverdrup was a recipient of the medal.
Sverdrup lecturers selected in even numbered years are invited to present their lecture in December at the AGU Fall Meeting. Sverdrup lecturers selected in odd numbered years are invited to present their lecture at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, early in the following year.
- A lecture certificate
- Recognition in Eos
- Recognition at AGU's annual meeting the year the lecture is given
- Registration to the meeting where the lecture will be given (either AGU's annual meeting or the Ocean Sciences Meeting)
- Ticket to the Ocean Sciences Section recognition events at the meeting where the lecture will be given
About Ocean Sciences
The Ocean Sciences Section engages members primarily affiliated with biological oceanography, marine geochemistry, marine geology and geophysics, physical oceanography, and ocean sciences.