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Open science is a global effort to increase participation in science and access to scientific research for people and communities everywhere.

Open science aims to enable the sharing and preservation of data, results and software in an ethical manner that is as open and transparent as possible. These practices accelerate scientific discovery and optimize the benefits of science for all, especially communities that have historically lacked equitable participation and access.

AGU is a proud leader in open science, advancing the effort through publications, meetings, data leadership, community science, policy engagement and career development. 

Scientist measuring environmental water quality parameters in a wetland.
Learn about open access
As a leading publisher in the scientific community, AGU has made it easier than ever for all scientists to publish and reach the widest possible audience. Eleven of 23 AGU journals are fully open access and AGU’s equitable approach to publishing fees means all accepted papers get published, regardless of the ability to pay.
Composite photo. Man collects weather data with meteorological instrument. Background is tea agricultural field with pink clouds and mountain.
AGU collaborates with the wider community to provide resources that help our members make their data and software more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) in order to advance scientific and societal progress.
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The Earth and Space Science (ESS) Open Archive is a community server where scientists can share early research outputs, including preprints, presentations from major scientific meetings and important documents of scholarly societies.
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AGU is fostering inclusion in scientific publishing to ensure that our content and publication processes fairly and inclusively represent all people and communities.
Community science
AGU is expanding the traditional role of science by creating opportunities for scientists to work directly with communities through community science initiatives such as Thriving Earth Exchange and the Community Science Exchange.
Daytime photo of United Nations building in Vienna, Austria with flags of nations and bright blue sky
Open science aims to improve scientific collaboration across international boundaries. AGU is leading the development of an Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research, Experimentation and Deployment—a code of conduct to guide measures that may be needed in addition to emissions reduction.

Open Science Resources

As a leading publisher in the scientific community, AGU maintains the highest quality standards and promotes best practices in scholarly publishing.

Our 23 peer-reviewed journals are driven by editors who are recognized experts and leaders in their fields. We boast the fastest publication times across all Earth and space science journals, allowing your research to be accessed, read and cited sooner.

AGU books cover the full breadth of Earth and space sciences, often with an interdisciplinary perspective, presenting the work of scientists across demographics, geography and career stage.

Our community server, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, is where scientists can share early research including preprints and posters presented at major scientific meetings.

Learn more about publishing with AGU.

AGU’s Open Science Leadership blog provides with the latest information on best practices that support the management, preservation, sharing, and citation of data and software.

For updates from the Open Science leadership team, join the mailing list. If you have other questions about data and software sharing in AGU publications, you can email our help line.

Open access refers to journal articles and other published materials that are immediately and freely available online for all to read, download and share. The cost of publication is borne by the author or their funder through a publication fee. The author retains the copyright under a Creative Commons (CC) license.

To help prepare authors, we've created a 6-step guide for publishing open access at AGU. AGU has waivers, discounts and other funding options to support authors submitting open access journals, including those from low- to middle-income countries. These options vary depending on the journal. For more information, visit the Funding Options page.

Many funders and institutions now completely cover or take advantage of discounts on open access author publishing charges in AGU journals through accounts with our publishing partner, Wiley. There are over 70 agreements to date covering authors from over 2100 institutions around the world. Find out if your institution has an account.

Learn more about open access publishing at AGU.

All players in the research ecosystem—researchers, preservation repositories, publishers, funders, institutions—have a responsibility to collect, develop, and share data in an ethical manner that is as open and transparent as possible.

AGU requires that underlying data and software needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research be available at the time of peer review and publication. For more information and guidance, visit the Data and Software for Authors page.

If you have other questions about data and software sharing in AGU publications, please email [email protected].


“Earth and space science data are a world heritage and a critical part of the science ecosystem,” according to AGU's position statement on Earth and space science data.

AGU position statements—created, revised and approved by members—are what enable AGU to take adaptive stances on significant policy issues, ranging from climate change to national security. Each position statement acknowledges the challenges involved and makes specific recommendations toward achieving an articulated vision. These statements are valued by the broad community and referenced by AGU, journalists, policymakers and other science organizations.