Carl Sagan Lecture
Now Accepting Suggestions!
Career Stage
Early Career
Middle Career
Award Type
Section Lectures
Of Note
Invitation to present at annual meeting;
Section sponsorship varies by year

Recognizing Scientific Interest in Astrobiology and Effective Science Communication Skills

The Carl Sagan Lecture is presented annually and recognizes a scientist who embodies Carl Sagan’s interest in astrobiology, as well as his effective science communication skills. This lecture honors the life of Carl Sagan, an astronomer and astrophysicist who was a leader in establishing the field of astrobiology. Sagan was also a tireless educator, author, and advocate for the space sciences.

The Sagan Lecture is presented at the AGU Fall Meeting. During even-numbered years, the Biogeosciences section manages the lecture and in odd-numbered years, the Planetary Sciences section sponsors the lecture.

The Carl Sagan Lecture does not have a formal nomination process, the awarded lecturer is instead elected based on suggested names submitted to section leadership.

Honor Benefits
Recipients receive the following:

  • Lecture certificate
  • Recognition in Eos
  • Recognition at the AGU Fall Meeting during the lecture presentation year
  • Complimentary meeting registration and an invitation to present the Sagan Lecture at the AGU Fall Meeting during the lecture presentation year
  • Complimentary ticket to the hosting section’s ticketed event at the AGU Fall Meeting during the lecture presentation year

About the Biogeosciences Section


AGU’s Biogeoscience section encompasses interactions between biological, geological, hydrologic and atmospheric systems that govern diverse functions of the Earth system (and other planetary systems). These functions include cycles of carbon, nutrients, and other elements, feedbacks within the climate system, the origins and impacts of early life, and interactions across physical, biological, and human interfaces.


The nominee must be an active AGU member.
Members of the general public may submit nominations.
All Parties
Must be in compliance with AGU's conflict of interest and professional conduct policies.
Read AGU's Ethics Policies