Page Contents
AGU Publications Resources for Authors, Reviewers and Editors
AGU is pleased to provide the following webinar recordings and videos as a resource for our community of authors, reviewers, and editors. The resources featured on this page vary in format (webinars, workshops, panel discussions, overviews), topic (publishing your journal article, peer review, open science, and books), and languages (English, Mandarin, and Spanish).
Featured Resource
This August 2023 webinar discusses the basics of peer-review, including how to thoroughly and respectfully critique a scientific manuscript, best practices for reviewing, policies to consider, and opportunities for mentorship and continuous learning. The webinar features insights from Prof. Kaustubh Thirumalai, Associate Editor of Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology and AGU’s publications staff. There is also a Q&A session where questions were answered live.
Full webinar slides (PDF)
Publishing and Peer Review
Best Practices in Reviewing Scientific Articles (June 2022)
A Discussion on Co-Reviewing (September 2021)
In Mandarin:
To access these presentations on YouTube use the links below.
Access these presentations in China via WeChat
In Spanish:
- Advice on publishing scientific articles (Consejos para publicar artículos científicos) (October 2020)
Open Science
Resources for this webinar: