This is the story of my launch into space physics, including how I was rescued from early discouragement by the excitement of a planetary encounter...
We present multi‐instrument Juno observations on day‐of‐year 86, 2017 that link particles and fields in Jupiter's polar magnetosp...
During its more than 13 years in orbit, the Cassini spacecraft detected a large number of plasma and energetic charged particle injections in ...
This study presents a survey of ion flow speed, density, temperature, and composition observed by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment Ion (...
Jupiter's auroral X‐rays have been observed for 40 years with an unknown driver producing quasiperiodic emission, concentrated into auro...
At Jupiter, tail reconnection is thought to be driven by an internal mass loading and release process called the Vasyliunas cycle. Galileo data hav...
The Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment Ion sensor (JADE‐I) on Juno is a plasma instrument that measures the energy‐per‐charg...