Daniel Rosenfeld will receive the 2018 Yoram J. Kaufman Unselfish Cooperation in Research Award for his broad influence on atmospheric sciences and for describing the role of aerosol effects on convection and rainfall.
Danny was a pioneer in using theory and observations to explore aerosol and cloud interactions. His creativity is evidenced by a number of fundamental advances and paradigm shifts. He was the first to use field studies to show the suppression of warm rain by aerosols in smaller clouds, he proposed the theory of aerosol invigoration of clouds, and he discovered the strong impacts of aerosols on precipitation; he has made fundamental contributions to understanding cloud seeding by acquiring firsthand measurements of cloud physical quantities in severe convective clouds; he has proposed a novel geoengineering concept to weaken hurricane intensities through the addition of aerosols; and he initiated a joint International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme/World Climate Research Programme initiative to quantify our understanding of aerosol, clouds, precipitation, and climate. Danny demonstrated the dramatic differences in convection and rainfall for clouds ingesting relatively clean oceanic air with cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations near 100 per cubic centimeter and moderately polluted continental convection with CCN levels of the order of 1000 per cubic centimeter, versus pyrocumulus clouds involving orders of magnitude larger aerosol amounts. He has published provocative results outlining the effects of “weekend effects” of aerosols on summer rain and storm heights, as well as in lightning activity and tornadoes and hail.
Danny has worked with a wide range of scientists from the United States, Europe, China, India, and Brazil. He has cosupervised students from other countries and has worked with students visiting him at his institution, which demonstrate his unselfish collaboration in research.
As of July 2017, he has a record of almost 23,000 citations, which shows his vast influence in atmospheric sciences, particularly in the area of aerosol–cloud interactions. I am pleased to present the 2018 Yoram J. Kaufman Unselfish Cooperation in Research Award to Dr. Daniel Rosenfeld.
—Joyce E. Penner, President, Atmospheric Sciences Section, AGU
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