Recognizing Significant Contributions to High Pressure Research by Students
The John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award is presented annually and recognizes significant research and writing on the field of high-pressure or high-pressure research. Successful nominees are students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program who demonstrate the potential to be elected AGU Fellows in the future. The award is named to honor the memory of former University of Chicago geophysical sciences professor John C. Jamieson, and the contributions that he’s made to the field of mineral physics research.
- An award certificate
- A $250 prize
- Recognition in Eos
- Recognition at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
- Tickets to the award presentation at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
About the Mineral and Rock Physics Section
The Mineral and Rock Physics (MRP) section examines the properties of materials in the Earth's and planetary interiors. The MRP section provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and connects students and scientists to career and networking resources.
- an active AGU member
- affiliated with the Mineral and Rock Physics section
- actively enrolled in an undergraduate program and have completed at least four semesters toward their degree or be actively enrolled in a graduate program