Silhouette trees with northern lights and long exposure stars in background

Annual Meeting Program Committee

Annual Meeting Program Committee members (by section)

Guido Cervone
Pennsylvania State University
Chair, Annual Meeting Program Committee

Nicole Oliphant
American Geophysical Union
Director, Scientific Programs, Meetings

Eric Bruning
Texas Tech University 

Ivana Kolmasova
Czech Academy of Sciences

Valentina Aquila
American University

Kelley Barsanti
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Melinda Berman
University of Illinois

Jason English

Ruben Delgado
Hampton University

Kathryn Moore
Colorado State University Fort Collins

Kristen Rasmussen
Colorado State University Fort Collins

Kristina Bartowitz
American Forests

Min Chen
University of Wisconsin

Liang Guopeng
Yale University

Forrest Hoffman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Yang Song
University of Arizona

David Clemens-Sewall
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Roger Creel
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Emilio Mateo
Aspen Global Change Institute

Jessica Mejia
Syracuse University

Mark Raleigh
Oregon State University

Kiya Riverman
University of Portland

Ryan Venturelli
Colorado School of Mines

Suzanne Anderson
University of Colorado Boulder

Eric Barefoot
University of California, Riverside

Sarah Baumgardner
Chevron ETC

Joanmarie Del Vecchio
College of William and Mary

Kimberly Huppert
CUNY City College of New York

Ajay Limaye
University of Virginia

Claire Masteller
Washington University in St Louis

Colin Phillips
Utah State University

Kyle Straub
Tulane University of Louisiana

Michelle Nichols

Adler Planetarium

Simon Schneider
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

David Cairns
Texas A&M University College Station

Ben Kravitz
Indiana University Bloomington

Erwan Monier
University of California Davis

Eric Lindsey
University of New Mexico Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Walter Szeliga

Amanda Hoffman-Hall
Eckerd College

Moiz Usmani
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Ruby Fu
California Institute of Technology

Hatim Geli
New Mexico State University

Viviana Maggioni
George Mason University Fairfax

Vimal Mishra
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Xiaonon Tai
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Firat Testik
University of Texas at San Antonio

Rebecca Farrington
AuScope Ltd

Ranjay Shrestha
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Debjani Singh
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Yuval Boneh
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Hsu Han
National Central University

Baptiste Journaux
University of Washington

Vesta Afzali Gorooh
University of California, San Diego

Carmon Nimrod
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Sebastian Uhlemann
University of Bremen

Steven Fletcher
Colorado State University

Brad Weir
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Randie Bundy
University of Washington

Robert Chant
Rutgers University New Brunswick

Emily Eidam
Oregon State University

Angelicque White
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Tyler Huth
Washington University in St. Louis

Christopher Kinsley
Berkeley Geochronology Center

Yi Wang
Tulane University of Louisiana

Kerri Donaldson Hanna
University of Central Florida

Cesare Grava
Southwest Research Institute

Gerald (Wes) Patterson
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Shenyue Jia
Miami University Oxford

Julian Reyes
Bureau of Land Management

Bethany Chidester
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Neala Creasy
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Kim Doyeon
Imperial College London

William Frank
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Helen Janiszewski
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Shihao Yuan
Victoria University of Wellington

Eduardo Perez Macho
National Institute of Space Research, Brazil

Scott England
Virginia Tech
SPA - Aeronomy

Weichao Tu
West Virginia University
SPA - Magnetospheric Physics

Hazel Bain
University of Colorado Boulder
SPA - Solar and Heliospheric Physics

Sylvain Barbot
University of Southern California

Josie Nevitt
USGS Earthquake Science Center

Hiroke Sone
University of Wisconsin Madison

Guido Cervone
Pennsylvania State University

Benjamin Andrews
Smithsonian Institution

Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
Arizona State University

Madison Myers
Montana State University

Tyrone Rooney
Michigan State University

Annual Meeting Program Committee charge

The Annual Meeting Program Committee is responsible for developing and organizing the entire scientific program. The committee members, under the direction of the Annual Meeting Program Committee chair, are essential to implementing strategies that achieve the AGU Board’s objectives to create innovative and impactful scientific meetings and to develop a dynamic program for the AGU Annual Meeting.

Meeting attendees gather to view rows of posters in the Poster Hall

Obligations of the Program Committee

The program committee members agree to uphold the following obligations:
  • 1
    They will give unbiased consideration to all session proposals and abstracts submitted to AGU meetings.
  • 2
    They will judge each session proposal and abstract on merit without regard to race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the convener(s) and/or author(s).
  • 3
    The committee has the authority to accept or reject a session proposal or abstract on the basis of scientific merit or suggest modifications for consideration. 
  • 4
    An individual committee member will confer with other committee members, including the chair, to evaluate decisions to reject a session or abstract. The program committee is obligated to provide a reason to support modifications or suggestions.
  • 5
    The program committee and meetings staff will not disclose any information about a session proposal or abstract under consideration to anyone other than session conveners or abstract submitters.
  • 6
    The committee will respect the intellectual independence of session conveners and abstract submitters.
  • 7
    The program committee will avoid situations of conflicts of interest. Conflicts include: handling submissions from current and former students, colleagues with whom the committee member has recently collaborated, and those at the same institution.
Sunrising over ice and snow covered stream