Mountains silhouetted against a starry night sky


Committee members



Committee Role

Lisa Graumlich University of Washington Committee Chair
Regupathi Angappan Johns Hopkins University Member
Carol Finn U. S. Geological Survey Member
Denise Hills Advanced Resources International Member
Elizabeth Johnson Chevron (Retired) Member
 Richard Murray Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Member
Jenny Riker U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Agency for International Development Member
Wonsuh Song Shumei University; Waseda University Member

Janice Lachance


Interim Executive Director/CEO

Cheryl Enderlein


Staff Partner; Vice President, Leadership and Governance

Committee Members

Committee charge

The Leadership Development/Governance Committee is charged with facilitating the nomination process for selecting candidates for election to the AGU Board and any at-large elected Council positions and helping orient them to their new roles and responsibilities. The committee promotes the development of an organizational mindset of identifying leadership skills and interests and work with the Council, committees, and sections to identify potential leaders for the future. Committee members discuss how to increase volunteer engagement and satisfaction and should be knowledgeable about good governance practices.

Glaciologist standing inside a glacial ice cave

Key Initiatives

  • 1
    Participate in orientation of newly elected and appointed Board and Council members and provide feedback for future orientation topics.
  • 2
    Recruit a diverse and balanced slate of qualified candidates for the Board and at-large Council positions and encourage sections to do the same for their open positions.
  • 3
    Provide input in Board and Council self-assessment process, analyze results and make recommendations for improving the performance of the Board and Council.
  • 4
    Promote development of an organizational mindset to identify and cultivate talent.
  • 5
    Develop recommendations for recognizing outstanding volunteer leadership.
  • 6
    Review processes related to governance and leadership and make recommendations for improving existing ones and developing new ones.
View from above looking at underwater rocks