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OSM24 was a terrific success; we look forward to OSM26


OSM24, held in New Orleans, La., 18-23 February 2024, brought together almost 6,000 attendees to share science, meet collaborators, and enjoy time together. Recordings of OSM24 sessions are going live now and can be accessed through the online portal and app.

OSM26 will convene in Glasgow, Scotland, a city with an amazing marine history and a focus on current-day sustainability. Learn more about this meeting and how to potentially partner when OSM heads to Glasgow, 22-27 February 2026.


AGU, ASLO, and TOS have partnered with SocialOffset to offer meeting attendees the opportunity to contribute to local organizations in New Orleans that make a positive difference in people’s lives and the community.

Health & Safety

AGU, ASLO, and TOS are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all Ocean Sciences Meeting participants and staff. Review the health and safety guidelines for #OSM24.

Student & Early Career Events

OSM24 offers events specifically geared towards students and early career scientists to help them gain the skills to advance in their careers and better understand the myriad of career options.
Opening Plenary
Water Tells Stories Through People in Louisiana
Local Presenters
Sunday, 18 February 2024
05:00PM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Wally Fulweiler
Ecosystems Ecologist & Biogeochemist
Boston University
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
10:30AM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Don Canfield
University of Southern Denmark
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
11:30AM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Awards Plenary
Ronnie N Glud, Ph.D.
Professor, Biogeochemistry, University of Southern Denmark
Odense, Denmark
AGU Awardee
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
10:30AM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Awards Plenary
Elizabeth B. Kujawinski, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
ASLO Awardee
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
10:30AM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Awards Plenary
Rutgers University Center of Ocean Observing Leadership
Scott Glenn, Thomas Grothues, Josh Kohut, Alex Lopez, Janice McDonnell, Travis Miles, Daphne Munroe, Grace Saba, and Oscar Schofield
Rutgers University
TOS Awardees
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
10:30AM (CT)
Great Hall A/B
Richard W. Spinrad, Ph.D.
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere & NOAA Administrator
Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
06:15PM (CT)
Great Hall A
Closing Plenary
OSM24 Closing Plenary
Featuring representatives from the First People’s Conservation Council of Louisiana
Friday, 23 February 2024
04:00PM (CT)
Great Hall A