Presenter and Chair Guidelines
Presenting and chairing at AGU24 is incredibly rewarding. It also requires plenty of preparation and planning. This set of guidelines contains all the information you need to prepare for a successful oral, poster, or eLightning session. Refer to the navigation above to find your relevant session type.
AGU will offer training sessions and short training videos to help presenters and chairs prepare for a successful session.
iPoster Demonstration
Friday, 8 November, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
View the training recording.
Representatives from the iPosterSessions platform will provide a live demonstration of the platform and tools available to create a digital, innovative poster. This training is intended for eLightning and poster presenters.
Present Your Science: Powerful Posters
Friday, November 15, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Access the training recording in the User Portal.
Join go-to communications expert Melissa Marshall for this live training event in advance of the meeting for poster presenters. This presentation will be recorded.
Participants will learn the following:
- How to improve poster layout for clarity and engagement
- Strategies and resources for creating more visual posters
- How to deliver a 60 second summary of the poster
Training Videos for Oral Presenters and Session Chairs
AGU is excited to offer short training videos for oral presenters and chairs from Melissa Marshall. For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
- In short videos highlighting presentation tips for AGU24 oral presenters, Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on focusing and filtering technical detail, designing more visual slides, and delivering a polished live presentation.
- In short videos highlighting facilitation tips for AGU24 session chairs, Melissa Marshall will provide guidance on introducing a session and setting expectations; creating connection between topics and telling a story across a session; and keeping a session running smoothly and on topic, including strategies for dealing with difficult questioners.
Access Training Videos via the User Portal
Speaker and Chair Marketing Tips and Tools
AGU wants to provide presenters and chairs with the tools they need to promote their participation in AGU24. To assist you with increasing awareness of your engagement, boosting attendance at your session and broadening the outreach for the conference, we are providing you with some recommendations to assist with these efforts.
Social Media
Promote your session on social media platforms like X, Facebook, and Instagram. Take advantage of the AGU24 social media templates developed by the AGU design team.
Post on a Professional Networking Site
Post an AGU24 graphic on your professional networking site, like LinkedIn. To add an image to your network post, click on the image to download, then right-click to save it to your computer. Be sure to hyperlink the graphic to
Email Signature
Add a brief message beneath your standard email signature announcing your participation and engagement in AGU24. A sample presenter message might be: Join me at AGU24 while I present on [insert topic]!
Extend a Personal Invitation
Encourage your colleagues and contacts to hear your presentation and attend AGU24 by sending a personal note of encouragement.
Sharing Science
AGU’s Sharing Science program is a great resource to help you communicate about your science with diverse audiences.
Learn More About Sharing Science
AGU24 Technology Guide
Please note the following changes for 2024:
- Oral sessions will not use Zoom. Online presenters must pre-record their presentations and participate in Q&A via asynchronous chat.
- Online poster presentations do not have dedicated session times and will not take place in Zoom or Vimeo. Online poster presenters are asked to schedule their own presentation time within the iPosterSessions platform.
Online Meeting Platform and Mobile App
- This platform will be used by registered attendees to view the meeting schedule, build a custom schedule, view interactive posters, and navigate the onsite meeting.
- Only select sessions will be live streamed. Sessions will be uploaded here for on-demand viewing within 72 hours after the session ends. Meeting content will be available through February 2025.
- Registered attendees will be able to access the meeting app in late November.
Oral Presenter Upload Site
- Oral presenters will use the oral presenter upload site to upload pre-recorded presentations (from online oral presenters) or slide presentations (from in-person oral presenters).
- The deadline for in-person presenters to upload slides is 6 December at 17:00 EST (UTC -5). If you miss the deadline, you must visit the onsite Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours or as soon as possible before your session to upload your slides. Please note, lines may be extremely long on Monday morning before the first 8:30AM oral session please allow ample time to register and visit the speaker ready room if needed.
- The deadline for online presenters to upload pre-recorded presentations is 2 December at 17:00 EST (UTC -5). There can be no exceptions to this deadline.
Access the Presenter Upload Site
iPosterSessions Platform
- eLightning and online poster presenters will use this platform to create their digital iPoster. In-person presenters also have the option to create an iPoster in addition to their paper poster. All iPosters will be available for view in the online poster gallery during the meeting and through February 2025.
- eLightning and poster presenters received instructions on 22 October on how to access the iPoster editor to create and publish their presentation.
- For maximum visibility, eLightning and poster presenters are asked to publish their iPoster by 2 December when the online poster gallery will become available.
Access the iPosterSessions Editing Platform
Speaker Ready Room
If you have not uploaded your slides online, in-person oral session presenters may check in at one of the onsite Speaker Ready Rooms at least 24 hours before their presentation, even if they have uploaded their presentation slides. If you cannot check in at the Speaker Ready Room 24 hours before your session, please go to the Speaker Ready Room as early as possible before the start of your session.
What to Do in the Speaker Ready Room
When reviewing your slides in the Speaker Ready Room, make sure all fonts appear as expected and all audio/video clips are working properly. You may edit your presentation slides at this time if needed. When you have finished reviewing your slides, the audiovisual staff will queue them for use in the oral session room.
We recommend that you bring at least two additional digital copies of your presentation slides to the meeting in case there is an issue with your uploaded file. Presentation media will be returned to the speaker.
You must provide identification to access and submit your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room. USB ports and CD/DVD drives on the computers are disabled so no presentations can be copied; external storage devices will not function on the meeting room computers. Cameras and video equipment are not permitted in the Speaker Ready Room. If you have any questions regarding the specifications for presentations, please email our A/V partner, Projection.
NOTE: Do not edit your slides less than four hours prior to your session. The A/V staff cannot guarantee that your updated slides will be in the session room at the time of your presentation.
Hours and Locations
Sunday: 12:00 - 18:00 (Convention Center only)
Monday: 06:00 - 18:00
Tuesday to Thursday: 07:00 - 18:00
Friday: 07:00 - 15:00
The Speaker Ready Rooms are located in Convener Center, Level 2, Hall D and Marriott Marquis, Monument Room.
Poster Requirements and Best Practices
- Maximum size: 2.4 meters W x 1.2 meters H (8 feet W x 4 feet H), with a maximum usable space of 44 7/8” x 91 1/16”.
- Posters are best positioned horizontally to match the layout of the display board.
- Place images, text, logos, etc. at least 2.54 centimeters (1-inch) from the edge.
Font Recommendations
- Paragraph/captions — 24 points (0.9 centimeters high) Minimum
- Headers — 36 points (1.2 centimeters high) Minimum
- Use different colors and textures/symbols for each line or bar.
- Use a sans serif font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, Lucida Sans Unicode, and Verdana) for main text, headers and tables.
Important Details
- Do not laminate your poster so that it can be recycled if you do not plan to keep it
- Put your abstract title, final paper number, and session date and time at the top of the poster.
- Make authors’ names and contact information clearly visible.
- Make sure diagrams or charts can be read from 2 meters away.
Best Practices
- Organize the poster so it is clear, orderly and self-explanatory.
- Group similar ideas together.
- Label elements as I, II, III; or 1, 2, 3; or A, B, C.
- Avoid clutter (e.g. too much text).
- Include key details such as background, results, and conclusion.
View iPoster examples from 2019 for inspiration
Requesting Equipment for Poster Presentations
Poster presenters may request PC laptops, LED monitors, tables, and internet/electricity for their board in the poster hall by contacting the vendors listed below. All requests must be made by Wednesday, 4 December.
Please note:
- Wireless internet access will be available in the poster hall.
- Equipment is limited, and AGU cannot guarantee that requested items will be available.
- Equipment cannot be requested on site.
PC Laptop:
- Features: Processor i7,16GB RAM,15” Screen, Windows 10, Office 2019, Adobe Reader, WiFi, External Mouse
- No software is included.
- If ordering a laptop, you must also request a table (see below).
Contact: Holly Alderton at Projection
LED Monitor:
- If ordering a monitor, you must also request a table (see below). *Standard laptops include Processor i7,16GB RAM,15” Screen, Windows 10, Office 2019, Adobe Reader, WiFi, External Mouse
- Please note that AGU does NOT provide any software.
Contact: Holly Alderton at Projection
- Tables are required with an LED monitor or laptop order or can be requested regardless of A/V needs.
- Tables are required if a laptop and/or monitor is being used in the poster hall.
Contact: Terra Green at Fern
- Electrical: Please contact Hi-Tech Electric if you need additional electrical needs.
- WiFi: Complimentary wireless internet access will be available in the poster hall. The bandwidth for complimentary WiFi is limited. If your presentation requires access to the internet, we recommend that you purchase upgraded WiFi. Your laptop must be equipped with a WiFi or wireless network card for PCs or an Airport card for Macs.
- Please contact Tyshon Reid at Smart City Internet if you need additional internet capabilities.
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, any attendee that requires special accommodations at the convention center and/or hotel (Hearing, Mobility, Visual) should add their preferences in their conference registration portal.
ESS Open Archive
Increase your poster or presentation’s visibility and reach after AGU24: give it a DOI, and make it citable and trackable via the ESS Open Archive. AGU is a sponsor of the Earth Space Science (ESS) Open Archive, a community preprint and presentation archival server established to accelerate the open discovery and dissemination of Earth and space science early research outputs. New this year, AGU will offer a transfer option via the Speaker Center of your abstract data to ESS Open Archive. Details coming soon. Alternatively, authors can manually transfer their abstract data by following the instructions on our Submission Guide:
ESS Open Archive Submission Guide
Citing Your AGU24 Abstract
Authors can cite their AGU24 abstract in the following format:
Author(s) (2024), Title, Abstract (Final paper number, ex: AE14B-1234) presented at AGU24, 9-13 Dec 2024.
*Please note that AGU does not automatically publish your abstract in Google Scholar or any archive or assign a DOI. This may be done through ESS Open Archive and they will assist in indexing. If you have any questions regarding the publishing of your abstract in Google Scholar, please see this article on why abstracts may not appear in Google Scholar and how to manually add them. We recommend that you create a personal profile in Google Scholar and manually add your abstract if you wish for it to be indexed there.
No Photos
If you would like to prevent attendees from taking photographs of your work, please add the following icon to your poster or presentation.
Abstract & Session Proposal Process
Abstract and Session submission are closed. The online scientific program is published and authors are notified of the acceptance, format and schedule of their abstracts in early October.
If you are interested in learning more about the session proposal or abstract submission process click the links below:
Page Content
Oral Sessions
This is your one stop for the information you need to participate in an oral session as an in-person presenter, online presenter, or session chair.
- Oral sessions will be 90 minutes and will take place daily from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST on 9-13 December.
- If you are presenting multiple abstracts, we cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts.
- The sessions will include live in-person and pre-recorded online presentations that will be played by the session chairs.
- In-person presenters will participate in moderated live Q&A discussions with the in-person audience.
- Online presenters WILL NOT have the option to participate in live Q&A, but can respond to questions asynchronously through the AGU Events app/online platform.
- NEW FOR AGU24: Oral sessions WILL NOT be live streamed, nor will there be an option to log in to join sessions live or remotely during the session via Zoom.
- All oral sessions will be recorded; recordings will be available in the AGU Events app and online meeting platform within 72 hours of the session's end and will be available for on-demand viewing until the end of February.
Steps For a Successful Oral Presentation
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to present at AGU24. The meeting registration fee is separate from the abstract submission fee and AGU membership fee.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. View Training Videos
- Access via the User Portal: AGU is excited to offer short videos highlighting presentation tips for AGU24 presenters. Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on focusing and filtering technical detail, designing more visual slides, and delivering a polished live presentation.
For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
3. Upload Your Presentation by 6 December if Presenting in Person
- The deadline to upload slides if presenting in-person is Friday, 6 December at 17:00 EST (UTC -5).
- Visit the oral presenter upload site to upload your presentation.
- Detailed instructions for in-person presenters to create and upload their slide presentations, including optional AGU24 slide template are available here.
- If you have missed the upload deadline, you must visit the onsite Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours or as early as possible before your session to upload your slides.
- Lines may be extremely long on Monday morning before the first 8:30 AM EST oral session. Allow ample time to register and visit the speaker ready room, if needed.
- Online presenters in oral sessions are asked to upload their pre-recorded presentation by Monday, 2 December at 17:00 EST (UTC -5). If you are presenting online, please see the separate guidelines for online presenters in oral sessions.
Please note, students participating in the OSPA program are also required to upload a digital version of their presentation in the OSPA portal.
4. Prepare and Rehearse
- Organize your ideas and make a plan for staying within your allotted presentation time that includes Q&A and transition time. Please refer to the online program for the length of your allotted presentation and session schedule.
- If you have any questions regarding the session schedule, please reach out to your session conveners.
- Leave adequate time for Q&A and transitions. For example, if your total presentation is 10 minutes, please allow at least 2 minutes for individual Q&A and transition.
- Create an opening statement.
- Discuss the material as it appears in your accepted abstract.
- Rehearse speaking slowly and clearly. If your rehearsal runs long, reduce the material and rehearse again.
- Use simple, active words and short sentences. (Some online attendees might be using translation services.)
Visit Presenter Resources for More Tips
5. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
6. Check in Onsite
- If you have not uploaded your presentation online, you must check in with the onsite Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours, or as soon as possible before your presentation.
- You may also check in onsite in advance of your session to verify that fonts, images, and videos are displayed correctly.
Learn More about the Speaker Ready Room
7. Arrive at Your Session Early
- Arrive at your session 20 minutes before it starts.
- Session chairs will introduce presenters and moderate the in-person Q&A.
- Technical support will be available.
- Oral sessions will be 90 minutes and will take place daily from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST on 9-13 December.
- If you are presenting multiple abstracts, we cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts
- The sessions will include live in-person and pre-recorded online presentations that will be played by the session chairs.
- Online oral presenters must upload a pre-recorded slide presentation by Monday, 2 December. Presentations will be played by the session chairs.
- NEW FOR AGU24: Oral sessions will not be live streamed, nor will there be an option for attendees or online presenters to join sessions live or remotely during the session via Zoom.
- Online presenters WILL NOT have the option to participate in live Q&A, but can respond to questions asynchronously through the AGU Events app/online platform.
- All oral sessions will be recorded; recordings will be available in the AGU Events app and online meeting platform within 72 hours of the session's end and will be available for on-demand viewing until the end of February.
Steps For a Successful Presentation
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to present at AGU24. The meeting registration fee is separate from the abstract submission fee and AGU membership fee.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. View Training Videos
- Access via the User Portal: AGU is excited to offer short videos highlighting presentation tips for AGU24 presenters. Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on focusing and filtering technical detail, designing more visual slides, and delivering a polished live presentation.
For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
3. Upload Your Presentation by Monday, 2 December if Presenting Online
- The deadline to upload pre-recorded presentations if presenting online Monday, 2 December at 17:00 EST (UTC -5). There can be no exceptions to this deadline.
- Please note, online presentations will be played by the session chairs during the live session.
- Visit the oral presenter upload site to upload your presentation recording.
- Detailed instructions for online presenters to create and upload their prerecorded presentations are available here.
Please note, students participating in the OSPA program are also required to upload a digital version of their presentation in the OSPA portal.
4. Prepare and Rehearse
- Organize your ideas and make a plan for staying within your allotted time that includes Q&A and transition time. Please refer to the online scientific program for the length of your allotted presentation and session schedule.
- Prerecorded presentations that are over time will be rejected and returned to the presenters to be re-recorded.
- Rehearse speaking slowly and clearly. If your rehearsal runs long, reduce the material and rehearse again.
- If you have any questions regarding the session schedule, please reach out to your session conveners.
- Create an opening statement.
- Discuss the material as it appears in your accepted abstract.
- Use simple, active words and short sentences. (Some online attendees might be using translation services.)
Visit Presenter Resources for More Tips
5. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
6. Session Q&A
- Online presenters and chairs will not join sessions via Zoom and do not have the option for live participation in session or live Q&A with audience.
- Attendees both in-person and online may submit questions via the mobile app. Questions can be general or directed to a specific presenter; however, there will be no live chat/Zoom option.
- Questions will be visible in the mobile app to attendees when the moderator (session chair) publishes them. Online presenters can respond to questions published in the app during the session, or they can respond to published questions later.
- As an online presenter, please plan to monitor your session’s Q&A so that you can respond to questions about your presentation.
- Oral sessions will be 90 minutes and will take place daily from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST on 9-13 December.
- The sessions will encompass live in-person and online pre-recorded presentations.
- In-person presenters will participate in moderated live Q&A discussions with the in-person audience. Online presenters can answer questions via an asynchronous Q&A chat tool.
- Oral sessions will not be livestreamed, nor will there be an option to join remotely via Zoom. All oral sessions will be recorded; recordings will be available in the AGU Events app and online platform within 72 hours of the session's end and will be available for on-demand viewing until the end of February.
- If you are chairing multiple sessions and/or submitted abstracts to the scientific program, the program committee cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts. Please ensure session co-conveners are available to step in and chair if needed.
- Detailed logistic instructions will be provided via email prior to the meeting.
Steps For Chairing a Successful Oral Session
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to chair a session at AGU24.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Get Ready to Moderate
- Session chairs play an important role in making sure that session attendees feel safe, welcomed, and included.
- Help ensure that sessions reflect diversity, inclusion, and excellence in science.
- Review how the session will run and identify a general discussion topic based on the session.
- Reach out to the presenting authors in your session. Session chairs will be provided with an updated report containing presenter information in the Speaker Center, accessible via the User Portal.
- Prepare to discuss the larger science questions around presentations or to explore future needs and challenges.
3. View Training Materials and Attend In-Person Chair Training
- Access via the User Portal: AGU is excited to offer short videos highlighting facilitation tips for AGU24 session chairs. Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on introducing a session and setting expectations; creating connection between topics and telling a story across a session; and keeping a session running smoothly and on topic, including strategies for dealing with difficult questioners.
For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research. - Whether this is your first time chairing an AGU session or you are an experienced session chair, you are encouraged to attend the live session chair trainings in Washington, D.C. or to view the virtual training prior to the start of the meeting.
- In-Person Chair Training
- Sunday, 8 December, 4:30PM: Convention Center Room 204A-C
- Monday, 9 December-Friday 13 December, 7:00AM: Convention Center Room 204A-C
- In-Person Chair Training
- View a training video that provides an overview of the oral session room audiovisual and presentation management equipment.
- View the detailed session chair tips for facilitating the best session.
- Review AGU's Meeting Code of Conduct and download an introductory code of conduct slide to display during session.
- Download the optional AGU24 slide template to create introductory slides if needed. Slides can be uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room.
4. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
5. Fill Empty Presentation Slots
- If a presenter withdraws from an oral session, chairs can request a replacement from the accompanying poster session by contacting the Scientific Program Team.
- This can only be done to and from accompanying sessions.
- This can only be done with the presenter's explicit consent.
- New abstracts cannot be added.
- You can access a report listing the abstracts and presenter contact information for your session in Speaker Center, accessible via the User Portal.
- After receiving consent, include the following in your note to the Scientific Program Team:
- Details of the withdrawn abstract
- Details of the abstract that will be moved into the oral presentation slot
- The email or message where the presenter gave consent to be moved.
Contact Scientific Program Team
6. Chair Your Session
- Arrive at your session 20 minutes before it starts to familiarize yourself with the room setup and to meet with presenters.
- Introduce presenters and moderate the in-person Q&A. Encourage discussion and treat all presenters and attendees with respect.
- Online presenters and chairs will not join sessions via Zoom and do not have the option for live participation in session or live Q&A with audience.
- Attendees both in-person and online may submit questions via the mobile app during the session. Questions will be visible in the mobile app to attendees when the moderator (session chair) publishes them.
- Online presenters will monitor their session’s online Q&A to respond to questions about their presentation.
- Questions can be general or directed to a specific presenter.
- Be aware of aggressive questioning that borders on bullying or harassment, especially if directed towards students or early career scientists. Please speak up and intervene. Reach out to an AGU staff person for assistance or report Code of Conduct concerns to [email protected].
- Please note, no commercial handouts are permitted.
- Technical support will be available.
Page Content
Poster Sessions
This is your one stop for all the information you need to participate in a poster session as an in-person presenter, online presenter, or session chair.
- In-person poster sessions will take place on 9-13 December from 8:30 AM - 12:20 PM EST and 1:40 PM - 5:30 PM EST.
- If you are presenting multiple abstracts, the program committee cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts.
- For poster presentations, changes from in-person to asynchronous online presentations or vice versa must be made by Friday, 15 November. Choose this option via the Speaker Center, accessible from the User Portal.
Steps For Presenting a Poster In-Person
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to present at AGU24. The meeting registration fee is separate from the abstract submission fee and AGU membership fee.
- Presenting authors must be registered to publish an optional iPoster to the gallery.
- Please allow one hour from time of registration before publishing an iPoster.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Attend a Training Session
- iPoster Demonstration
Friday, 8 November, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
View the training recording.
The iPosterSessions platform is a flexible HTML based poster format and has been used by AGU for several years. Representatives from iPosterSessions will provide a live demonstration of this dynamic online platform. They will also be available to answer any questions you may have as you begin creating your interactive presentations. Some elements that will be reviewed include:
- High-resolution image
- Detailed charts and diagrams
- Slide shows
- High definition videos
- Audio files
- Voice-over narrations
- Links to external data sets
- Present Your Science: Powerful Posters
Friday, 15 November, 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM EST
Access the training recording in the User Portal.
AGU is excited to offer event prep training for AGU24 presenters. Join Melissa Marshall for this live training event in advance of the meeting. For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation's best research universities. Today, she's the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
Participants will learn the following:
- How to improve poster layout for clarity and engagement
- Strategies and resources for creating more visual posters
- How to deliver a 60 second summary of the poster
3. Create & Print Your Poster
- In-person presenters will create a printed poster to be displayed on an assigned board in the poster hall for a full day.
- CCI Productions is the official poster printer for AGU24. Posters ordered via CCI can be picked up at their booth located near the entrance to the poster hall in Concourse B in the Washington Convention Center. Ready to order?
- Refer to the requirements and best practices below.
Printed Poster Requirements and Best Practices
- In-person presenters also have the option to create a dynamic, interactive poster or simple PDF for display in the online poster gallery. Please note, students participating in the OSPA program are required to create an interactive poster.
- Instructions to create your digital iPoster were emailed on 22 October.
- To participate, upload and publish your poster by 2 December when the online poster gallery goes live or at least 24 hours prior to your session.
- Authors may log in to create a digital poster, but they must be registered to publish the poster to the online gallery.
- Please note, authors will have until 31 December to make edits to published posters.
Log In to the iPoster Editing Platform
4. Rehearse
- Organize your ideas so that you can quickly review your work with poster hall visitors.
- Create an elevator pitch.
- Focus on the material as submitted and accepted in your abstract.
- Rehearse speaking slowly and clearly. If your rehearsal runs long, reduce the material and rehearse again.
- Use simple, active words and short sentences. (Some online attendees might be using translation services.)
Tips for Creating an Elevator Pitch
5. Request Additional Equipment (Optional)
- Additional equipment such as monitors, laptops, tables, and upgraded internet can be ordered by Wednesday, 4 December.
- You must order a table if you plan to use a laptop.
- You may use your own laptop and/or monitor.
- Equipment is limited, and AGU cannot guarantee that requested items will be available.
- Equipment cannot be requested on site.
6. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
7. Set Up Your Poster
- Set up between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM EST on the day of your presentation (no earlier).
- Pick up push pins at the Poster Assistance Desk. If you will not be at your poster board for the entire length of your session, pick up an availability sign at the desk so you can post the times you’ll be at your poster.
- Find your assigned poster board.
- Boards will be numbered sequentially (0001-3950) from the beginning to the end of the hall. TIP: The number after the hyphen in your final paper number is your poster board number (e.g. The board for presentation "A11A-1346" is "1346.")
8. Attend The Session
- You must be available in the poster hall for at least one hour during your assigned session.
- Leave a note on your poster indicating where you can be reached in case someone wishes to discuss your research.
- If you have created a digital poster in the online poster gallery, you can also include "I'll be at my poster" times in the gallery.
9. Collect Your Poster
- For maximum attendee viewing, do not remove your poster before 5:30 PM EST.
- The poster hall will close at 6:00 PM EST each day.
- If you wish to keep your poster, you must remove it by this time.
- Any remaining posters will be removed and recycled at the end of each day.
- Online poster presenters will set their own presentation schedules during the week of the meeting and will not be included in a dedicated online session.
- Presenters will create an interactive poster to be displayed in the online iPoster gallery.
- Presenters will have the opportunity to showcase their iPosters via asynchronous, online discussions with attendees via self-scheduled video or chat times that will be listed in the online program and through direct messages.
- Presenters are also encouraged to create pre-recorded videos or audio narrations for attendees to view with their poster.
- Published iPosters will be viewable and searchable in the online gallery during the conference and through February 2025.
Steps For Presenting a Poster Online
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to present at AGU24. The meeting registration fee is separate from the abstract submission fee and AGU membership fee.
- Presenting authors must be registered to publish an iPoster to the gallery.
- Please allow one hour from time of registration before publishing an iPoster.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Attend a Training Session
- iPoster Demonstration
Friday, 8 November, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
View the training recording.
The iPosterSessions platform is a flexible HTML based poster format and has been used by AGU for several years. Representatives from iPosterSessions will provide a live demonstration of this dynamic online platform. They will also be available to answer any questions you may have as you begin creating your interactive presentations. Some elements that will be reviewed include:- High-resolution image
- Detailed charts and diagrams
- Slide shows
- High definition videos
- Audio files
- Voice-over narrations
- Links to external data sets
- Present Your Science: Powerful Posters
Friday, 15 November, 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM EST
Access the training recording in the User Portal.
AGU is excited to offer event prep training for AGU24 presenters. Join Melissa Marshall for this live training event in advance of the meeting. For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation's best research universities. Today, she's the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
Participants will learn the following:- How to improve poster layout for clarity and engagement
- Strategies and resources for creating more visual posters
- How to deliver a 60 second summary of the poster
3. Create & Upload Your Poster
- Instructions to create your digital iPoster were provided by email on 22 October.
- All online poster presenters must create an iPoster to present during the week of the meeting at a time of the presenter’s choosing.
- The suggested deadline to upload and publish an iPoster to appear in the online gallery is 2 December when the online poster gallery goes live for maximum viewing by AGU24 attendees.
- Presenting authors may log in to begin creating a digital poster before they have registered for the meeting, but they must be registered in order to publish a poster to the online gallery.
- Authors will have until 31 December to make edits to published posters.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to use the available iPoster templates, but can also upload a PDF into iPoster or paste text and images from a PDF into an iPoster template.
- Presenters are also encouraged to create pre-recorded videos or audio narrations for attendees to view with their poster in the online gallery.
Log In to the iPoster Editing Platform
4. Schedule Your Presentation Time
- Schedule one or more times of your choosing to present online via text or video chat within the iPoster editing platform. View instructions on how to schedule your own text or video chat time within the "Presenting Virtually" section on this Frequently Asked Questions page.
- Once scheduled, these text or video chat times will appear with your abstract in the online program. These chats are conducted at your discretion and will take place within the iPoster platform.
- You are asked to select at least one online text or video chat presentation time and encouraged to schedule time during the daily dedicated poster times, but you can schedule as many online presentation times as you’d like during the week of the meeting.
5. Rehearse
- Prepare in advance to organize your ideas and create an opening statement.
- Discuss the material as submitted and accepted in your abstract.
- Rehearse speaking slowly and clearly. If your rehearsal runs long, reduce the material and rehearse again.
- Use simple, active words and short sentences.
Tips for Creating an Elevator Pitch
6. Promote Your Presentation
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 presentation on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
7. Attend Your Presentation
- Check back in late October for information on how to activate your online presentation at your selected presentation time.
- In-person poster sessions will take place daily on 9-13 December from 8:30 AM - 12:20 PM EST and 1:40 PM - 5:30 PM EST.
- Online poster presenters will set their own presentation schedules during the week of the meeting and will not be included in a dedicated online session.
- Poster presentations cannot be added or moved to different poster sessions.
- If you are chairing multiple sessions and/or submitted abstracts to the scientific program, the program committee cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts. Please ensure session co-conveners are available to step in and chair if needed.
- Detailed logistic instructions will be provided via email prior to the meeting.
Steps For Chairing an In-Person Poster Session
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to chair a session at AGU24.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Get Ready To Moderate
- Session chairs play an important role in making sure that session attendees feel safe, welcomed, and included.
- Help ensure that sessions reflect diversity, inclusion, and excellence in science.
- Reach out to the presenting authors in your session prior to the meeting. Session chairs will be provided with an updated report of presenters via the Speaker Center, accessible via the User Portal.
3. View Training Materials
- Access via the User Portal: AGU is excited to offer short videos highlighting facilitation tips for AGU24 session chairs. Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on introducing a session and setting expectations; creating connection between topics and telling a story across a session; and keeping a session running smoothly and on topic, including strategies for dealing with difficult questioners.
For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research. - View the detailed session chair tips for facilitating the best session.
4. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
5. Arrive Early For Pre-Check
- Arrive 20 minutes before your poster session is scheduled to begin.
- Presenters should set up their posters between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM EST on the day of their session.
- Help authors having trouble with layout, set-up, or equipment.
- Make sure authors’ poster boards are numbered correctly and that presenters' availability signs are visible.
- AGU staff will be available to provide assistance at the Poster Assistance Desk, where you will also find push pins and availability signs.
- Note any empty poster boards. (Your evaluation survey will ask for any “no-show” presentations.)
6. Chair Your Session
- Encourage participation and respect all presenters and attendees.
- Introduce attendees to authors and facilitate discussion.
- Perform “crowd control” in the aisles if needed.
- Be aware of aggressive questioning that borders on bullying or harassment, especially if directed towards students or early career scientists. Please speak up and intervene.
- Reach out to an AGU staff person at the Poster Assistance Desk for assistance or report Code of Conduct concerns to [email protected].
- Remind authors to remove their posters by 6:00 PM EST. Any posters remaining at that time will be recycled.
- Please note, no commercial handouts are permitted.
Page Content
eLightning Sessions
- eLightning sessions will be 90 minutes and will take place daily at the eLightning theaters in the poster hall from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST on 9-13 December.
- All eLightning sessions will be in-person only and presenters will deliver live presentations.
- All presenters will participate in 3-minute lightning presentations in designated theaters followed by one-on-one discussions at individual monitors for the remainder of the session to provide an overview of their digital iPoster.
- eLightning sessions will not be recorded.
- If you are presenting multiple abstracts, we cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts.
Steps For Presenting an eLightning Presentation
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to present at AGU24. The meeting registration fee is separate from the abstract submission fee and AGU membership fee.
- Presenting authors must be registered to publish an iPoster to the gallery.
- Please allow one hour from time of registration before publishing an iPoster.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Attend a Training Session
- iPoster Demonstration
Friday, 8 November, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
View the training recording.
The iPosterSessions platform is a flexible HTML based poster format and has been used by AGU for several years. Representatives from iPosterSessions will provide a live demonstration of this dynamic online platform. They will also be available to answer any questions you may have as you begin creating your interactive presentations. Some elements that will be reviewed include:- High-resolution image
- Detailed charts and diagrams
- Slide shows
- High definition videos
- Audio files
- Voice-over narrations
- Links to external data sets
- Present Your Science: Powerful Posters
Friday, 15 November, 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM EST
Access the training recording in the User Portal.
AGU is excited to offer event prep training for AGU24 presenters. Join Melissa Marshall for this live training event in advance of the meeting. For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation's best research universities. Today, she's the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research.
Participants will learn the following:- How to improve poster layout for clarity and engagement
- Strategies and resources for creating more visual posters
- How to deliver a 60 second summary of the poster
3. Create & Upload Your Digital Poster
- Instructions and access to the iPosterSessions platform to create your iPoster were provided by email on 22 October.
- All eLightning presenters must create a digital iPoster to present during the scheduled presentation time in the eLightning sessions.
- The suggested deadline to upload an iPoster to appear in the online poster gallery is 2 December when the online poster gallery goes live, or at least 24 hours prior to your session.
- Presenting authors must be registered to publish an iPoster to the gallery.
- Updates to published iPosters can be made until 31 December.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to use the numerous iPoster templates offered but can also upload a PDF into iPoster or paste text and images from a PDF into an iPoster template.
- Presenters are also encouraged to create pre-recorded videos or audio narrations for attendees to view with their poster in the online gallery.
Log In to the iPoster Editing Platform
4. Rehearse
- Prepare in advance to organize your ideas and make a plan for staying within your allotted time.
- Leave adequate time for transitions.
- Create an opening statement.
- Discuss the material as submitted and accepted in your abstract.
- Rehearse speaking slowly and clearly. If your rehearsal runs long, reduce the material and rehearse again.
- Use simple, active words and short sentences.
Tips for Creating an Elevator Pitch
5. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
6. Arrive At Your Session Early
- Arrive at your designated eLightning theater in the poster hall 20 minutes before the session starts.
- Session chairs will introduce presenters and presenters will present for 3 minutes from the podium.
- Session chairs may moderate brief Q&A with the presenters.
- After all presenters have given a quick overview of their iPoster, presenters will move to their assigned monitors for one-on-one audience discussion for the remainder of the session.
- Technical support will be available.
7. Connect
- Published eLightning poster presentations will be viewable and searchable in the online gallery during the conference and for a limited time after it.
- eLightning presenters can schedule additional text or video chats through the iPoster system at any time during AGU24.
- Once scheduled, these text and video chat times will appear with your abstract in the online program. These individual chats are conducted at your discretion and will take place within the iPoster platform.
- eLightning sessions will be 90 minutes and will take place daily at the eLightning theaters in the poster hall from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST on 9-13 December.
- All eLightning sessions will be in-person only and presenters will deliver live presentations.
- All presenters will participate in 3-minute lightning presentations in designated theaters followed by one-on-one discussions at individual monitors for the remainder of the session to provide an overview of their digital iPoster.
- eLightning sessions will not be recorded.
- If you are chairing multiple sessions and/or submitted abstracts to the scientific program, the program committee cannot guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts. Please ensure session co-conveners are available to step in and chair if needed.
- Detailed logistic instructions will be provided via email prior to the meeting.
Steps for Chairing a Successful eLightning Session
1. Register
- You must register for the meeting to chair a session at AGU24.
- Please register at least 36 hours in advance of your session. Register by the early bird deadline of 6 November to take advantage of the early bird rate.
2. Get Ready to Moderate
- Session chairs play an important role in making sure that session attendees feel safe, welcomed, and included.
- Help ensure that sessions reflect diversity, inclusion, and excellence in science.
- Reach out to the presenting authors in your session prior to the meeting. Session chairs will be provided with an updated report of presenters via the Speaker Center, accessible via the User Portal.
- Review how the session will run and identify a general discussion topic based on the session.
- Prepare to discuss the larger science questions around presentations or to explore future needs and challenges.
3. View Training Materials
- Access via the User Portal: AGU is excited to offer short videos highlighting facilitation tips for AGU24 session chairs. Melissa Marshall will offer guidance on introducing a session and setting expectations; creating connection between topics and telling a story across a session; and keeping a session running smoothly and on topic, including strategies for dealing with difficult questioners.
For more than a decade, Melissa has traveled the world to work with Fortune 100 corporations, global institutions, and the nation’s best research universities. Today, she’s the go-to expert that elite organizations consult when they need to boost their skills in communicating their world-changing research. - View the detailed session chair tips for facilitating the best session.
4. Promote Your Session
- Use AGU’s customizable Canva templates to promote your #AGU24 session on social media.
Learn More About Promoting Your Session
5. Fill Empty Slots
- Review the online program for session updates. If a presenter withdraws from an eLightning session, chairs can request a replacement from the accompanying in-person poster session by contacting the Scientific Program Team.
- This can only be done to and from accompanying poster session.
- This can only be done with the presenter's explicit consent.
- New abstracts cannot be added.
- You can access a report listing the abstracts and presenter contact information for your session in Participant's Corner, accessible via the Speaker Center, accessible via the User Portal.
- After receiving consent, include the following in your note to the Scientific Program Team:
- Details of the withdrawn abstract
- Details of the abstract that will be moved into the eLightning presentation slot
- The email or message where the presenter gave consent to be moved.
Contact Scientific Program Team
5. Chair Your Session
- Arrive at your assigned eLightning theater 20 minutes before it starts to familiarize yourself with the theater setup and to meet with presenters.
- Introduce presenters and moderate any brief Q&A and assist presenters with locating presentation monitors.
- Encourage participation and respect all presenters and attendees.
- Perform “crowd control” in the aisles if needed.
- Be aware of aggressive questioning that borders on bullying or harassment, especially if directed towards students or early career scientists. Please speak up and intervene.
- Reach out to an AGU staff person at the Poster Assistance Desk for assistance or report Code of Conduct concerns to [email protected].
- Please note, no commercial handouts are permitted.
- Technical support will be available.
Town Halls Organizer Guidelines
Town halls offer an opportunity for government agencies, academic programs, special projects, and other focused interest groups to gather input from the AGU community.
Town halls are open to all attendees and will take place in person at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C, with a limited number enabled for participation by virtual presenters. All town halls will be recorded and posted in the online program for on-demand viewing within 72 hours of the session.
Please note the following guidelines for organizers and presenters:
- Organizers may develop the presentation format for the town hall program as they see fit, but within the parameters of the approved proposal.
- All town hall organizers were billed a technology/labor charge to cover the cost of room rental; the support of an audio-visual technician; and the recording, editing, and on-demand hosting of the session.
- All town hall attendees and presenters must be registered for AGU24. If you are not already registered, please register. Individuals will not be permitted to participate in a town hall if they are not registered.
- Town hall organizers or presenters who want to display presentation slides should take these to the onsite Speaker Ready Room 24 hours in advance of their town hall.
- Refer to the oral presenter guidelines for presentation tips and materials to promote your town hall.
All town halls include the following:
- All rooms are equipped with an LCD projector, screen, laser pointer, a speaker timer, and two computers (one Windows-based PC and one Mac). An audio-visual technician will be present during the town hall.
- If organizers require additional audio-visual equipment, an additional fee may apply. Organizers should reach out to the audio-visual contact provided in their town hall scheduling notification email.
- Town hall rooms will be used during the day for scientific sessions and therefore will be set theater-style with rows of chairs, as well as a small stage with a lectern and head table. The room set cannot be altered.
- Slides and audio will be recorded for on-demand viewing on AGU's virtual platform following the meeting.
- Catering is not included in the cost of the town hall, but can be ordered from the convention center; outside food cannot be brought into the building. If an organizer wishes to order food and beverages for attendees, they may reach out to the catering contact provided in their town hall scheduling notification email.
Town halls that are enabled to include virtual presenters will also include the following:
- Access for virtual presenters to participate in the live town hall via Zoom.
- Note: not all town halls are enabled for participation by virtual presenters. Any town hall that allows virtual presenter access will be labeled in the online program.
If you have any questions, please contact the AGU Scientific Program Team.
Submission Guidelines & Policies Overview
Proposed by the AGU community (including AGU staff) and open to all meeting participants, these one-hour sessions are designed for:
- Collecting feedback or raising awareness about particular initiatives, programs or special projects.
- Delivering updates and gathering input about government agency initiatives, academic programs, special projects and other focused interest groups for the broader AGU community.
- Roundtable or panel discussion formats.
Proposals were due by 24 April (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Town hall organizers were informed of acceptance in late June.
*Please note, town hall submissions have closed, requests for ancillary event space will open in September 2024.
- Proposals that are primarily advertisements of commercial products and services, or that contain the name of a specific experiment in the title or description. (For opportunities to exhibit or sponsor activities at AGU24, please see the Exhibit page.)
- Proposals that duplicate scientific session formats or are in place of ancillary event requests.
- Primary contacts/submitters must be current 2024 AGU members. Submitters who are members of an affiliated society/organization and submitters who are non-geoscientists must have requested a membership waiver bu 17 July.
- Submitters may submit more than one proposal, but we ask that you ensure the topics are different.
- AGU expects that at least one moderator will be on-site in Washington, D.C. to chair in-person sessions.
- The program committee may ask that similar proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask submitters to revise a proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will reach out to primary contacts/submitters to make these requests if needed.
- Reject or merge multiple proposals submitted by the same submitter(s) or groups on related topics or across sections.
- Move proposal to another AGU program.
- Request that conveners revise the proposal title and/or description.
- The program committee will notify primary contacts/submitters if town hall proposals need to be merged or have their descriptions revised.
Pre-conference Workshops
Click here to view the AGU24 Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-conference workshops are a great way to advance your science by exploring practical and technical skills while getting to know fellow attendees in small group settings.
Pre-conference workshops range between half-day or full-day sessions. Each workshop carries an additional registration fee, with separate rates for students. Workshops require pre-registration and tickets can be purchased in the AGU24 registration portal. No tickets will be sold onsite.
All pre-conference workshops will take place on 8 December 2024 in a location adjacent to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. All workshops will be held in person without an option for virtual participation. All presenters are expected to be onsite and available during the scheduled workshop time.
Detailed logistical information and food and beverage information will be shared with workshop organizers in December.
If you have any questions regarding registration or the organization of the workshops, please contact the AGU Scientific Program Team.
Organizer Submission Guidelines & Policies Overview
Proposed by the AGU community, these workshops (formerly scientific workshops) are designed to give participants opportunities to develop relevant skills and knowledge and how they can apply those skills and knowledge in their own contexts. All pre-conference workshop proposals need to include a description, intended learning outcomes, and a plan for active participant engagement and learning.
These are separately ticketed events held outside the regular conference schedule. A limited number of workshops will be accepted.
Pre-conference workshops:
- May be proposed by anyone in the AGU community, including AGU staff.
- Provide an in-depth opportunity for participants to actively develop and practice applicable knowledge and skills.
- Align with one of the AGU Workshop Learning Focus Topics (see below).
- Are either full-day (up to 7 hours with breaks) sessions (Long) or half-day (up to 3.5 hours with breaks) sessions (Short).
- Will include clearly defined learning outcomes, target audience, and active learning opportunities.
- Facilitated by 1 or more people.
- Require a separate registration for all workshop attendees.
- Be scheduled in-person only in Washington, D.C. (no hybrid option) on the Sunday prior to the start of meeting.
Learning Focus Topics:
- Each workshop proposal should emphasize one of the following topics:
- Practical Skills for Science: Focuses on teaching practical skills (i.e. research, grant writing, finding funding, interdisciplinary research skills, etc.) that advance participants’ research and career capacities. Can be for either discipline specific audiences or broader audiences.
- Technical Skills for Science: Focuses on specific technical skills (software, coding, hardware, or other tools to advance science). Can be for either discipline specific audiences or broader audiences.
Pre-conference workshop proposals were due on 24 April (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Organizers were informed of acceptance in late June.
*Please note, workshop submissions have closed, requests for ancillary event space will open in September 2024.
- Note: These workshops should teach specific skills and competencies and should not be used to sell a particular product. AGU expects that all facilitators will be on-site in Washington, D.C. for in-person sessions.
- Submitters must be current 2024 AGU members. Submitters who are members of an affiliated society/organization and primary submitters who are non-geoscientists must have requested a membership waiver bu 17 July.
- Submitters may submit multiple proposals, but we ask that you ensure the topics are different.
- There is no proposal fee for submitting a workshop.
- Please note that all pre-conference workshops are ticketed events. All workshop attendees must first register and pay to attend AGU24 and then register and pay for each individual workshop they would like to attend. Workshop attendee registration rates will be posted in the coming months.
- The program committee may ask that similar workshop proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask submitters to revise a proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will contact submitters to make these requests if needed.
- Reject or merge multiple proposals submitted by the same convener(s) on related topics.
- Move proposals to another AGU program.
- Merge proposals on similar topics.
- Request that conveners revise the proposal title and/or description.
- The program committee will notify conveners if workshop proposals need to be merged or have their descriptions revised.