Dates & Deadlines
#AGU24 is a well-orchestrated event with deadlines set in advance to ensure everyone is able to enjoy a fantastic scientific meeting.
Mar |
mid |
Session proposals open
Apr |
24 |
Session proposals close at 23:59 p.m. ET/03:59 +1 GMT.
May |
mid |
Program committee conducts session reviews and merges. Conveners should be available to discuss session merges.
Jun |
mid |
Session proposal acceptance notification letters are sent.
Abstract submission site opens. Invited author tool opens. Town hall and workshop proposal acceptance letters sent. |
Aug |
5 |
Abstract submissions close at 14:00 p.m. EDT.
mid |
Program committee allocates and schedules sessions and finalizes session formats.
Meeting registration and housing opens for attendees. |
late |
Conveners review and schedule abstracts in allocated sessions.
Oct |
early |
Authors are notified of the acceptance, format and schedule of their abstracts.
Student volunteer applications open. |
Nov |
6 |
Last day to join or renew your 2024 AGU membership to take advantage of discounted registration rates.
Early bird registration ends at 23:59 ET/03:59 +1GMT Student volunteer applications close at 23:59 ET/03:59 +1 GMT. |
mid |
Last day to cancel registration and receive a full refund.
Last day to reserve housing in the AGU hotel block. |
Dec |
9 |
First day of AGU24.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a collection of some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
Where is the Annual Meeting being held?
The Annual Meeting is being held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and available in our online platform.
801 Allen Y. Lew Place NW
Washington, DC 20001
What are the dates for the Annual Meeting?
The Annual Meeting will be held from 9-13 December.
What is the expected meeting attendance?
Approximately 27,000 attended the hybrid meeting in 2023.
Do I have to be an AGU member to attend?
How do I become an AGU member?
Will AGU accept ancillary meeting room requests?
AGU will begin accepting ancillary meeting room requests in September. A fee will apply to all ancillaries.
When does registration and housing open?
Registration and housing is scheduled to open in Mid-August.
How do I obtain a Letter of Invitation to AGU24?
To request a letter of invitation, complete this form.
Do I have to be an AGU member to submit an abstract?
First and invited authors must belong to AGU or a current affiliated society or organization. Please note, first authors who are not current AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July.
Do presenters and chairs have to register for the meeting?
- The presenting author must register for and attend AGU24, either online or in-person.
- Session chairs and all presenters, including invited presenters, must pay a registration fee, separate from the abstract submission fee, if they are attending and/or presenting at AGU24 in-person or virtually.
- Conveners listed on a proposal do not need to register for AGU24 if they will not attend the meeting in-person or virtually.
How should I cite an abstract presented at AGU24?
Please cite as:
Author(s) (2024), Title, Abstract (Final paper number, ex: AE14B-1234) presented at AGU24, 9-13 Dec.
When do abstract submissions open and close?
The call for abstracts will be open from mid-June to the extended deadline of 5 August (14:00 p.m. EDT).
When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
Authors are notified of the acceptance, format and schedule of their abstracts in early October.
Messages regarding the AGU scientific program are sent via [email protected]. Please check your junk or spam filter. Note: this email address is not monitored.
If you have questions please contact the Scientific Program Team.
How do I submit an abstract submission?
Can I submit more than one abstract?
A first author can submit two contributed abstracts (i.e., non-invited abstracts), as long as the second abstract is submitted to a session led by a different section from the first abstract.
Invited authors can submit up to three abstracts, as long as one is to any session led by a different section.
Please note, authors may submit a second abstract to a session within the same section if it is listed as co-organized with a different section. Full abstract guidelines will be available mid-June.
Can I be an invited author at a session I’m convening?
A convener cannot be the first author or presenting author on an invited abstract submitted to a session that they are convening. However:
- Conveners can submit contributed abstracts to be presented as a poster in their own session.
- Conveners may be invited authors in other sessions.
- EXCEPTION: Student and early career conveners are exempt from this rule and may schedule oral presentations in their own sessions.
Where can I locate specific abstract requirements?
Is there a fee to submit an abstract?
Yes. The abstract submission fee is a required and non-refundable processing fee, separate from membership dues and meeting registration fees, and is not based on approval of your abstract submission or attendance at the meeting.
The abstract submission fees are:
- Regular submission — $70
- Student submission — $40
- Exception: There are no abstract submission fees for individuals residing in qualifying low-income or lower-middle income countries, as defined by the World Bank.
Will presenters be able to choose online or in-person presentation?
Yes. First authors/presenting authors will select in-person or online presentation as part of the abstract submission process, and conveners will assign presentations based on this selection. Please note new presentation options for AGU24.
How do I register for AGU24?
The online registration tool will open in mid-August. Attendees can register throughout the duration of the conference.
What does my registration fee include?
Your in-person registration fee includes access to the online platform, oral sessions and on-demand recordings, electronic posters, full access to the in-person trade exhibition, keynotes and plenaries, the Honors Ceremony, networking, education and career development opportunities as well as meetings within meetings.
Your virtual registration fee includes access to the online platform and mobile app, full access to on-demand Town Hall recordings, keynotes and plenaries, full access to all oral session recordings, eLightning posters, and the Honors Ceremony.
View the full list of what's included in your registration.
All attendees, including presenters and conveners, must register for the Annual Meeting to gain access to the virtual platform.
What is the early bird rate?
Reduced registration rates are extended to all AGU members and non-members who register for the meeting prior to the early bird deadline of 6 November 2024. AGU member rates are also extended to members of affiliated societies. Payment must be received by the noted deadline to receive the early bird rate.
How do I qualify for AGU member rates?
To qualify for AGU member rates, you must have joined AGU or renewed your membership for 2024 on or before 6 November 2024. This does not apply to Indigenous member students and faculty enrolled in or working for North American tribal and territorial colleges and universities.
How are cancellations processed for the meeting?
Written notification must be email to the AGU Registration Center. Registration cancellations received by 8 November 2024 will receive a complete refund. Cancellations received after 8 November will have a $50 USD processing fee deducted from their refund. No refunds will be issued for cancelled registrations or ticketed events after 14 November 2024.
Will AGU accept checks and wire transfer payments for AGU24 registration?
AGU will accept credit card, check and wire transfer payments. All check and wire transfer payments must be received by 21 November 2024.
Does AGU process group registrations?
Does AGU accept purchase orders?
AGU does not accept purchase orders for registration payment.
How can I retrieve an invitation letter for the meeting?
A letter of invitation can be obtained by completing this form.
How can I retrieve a letter of attendance for attending the meeting?
A letter of attendance can be obtained post meeting by emailing the AGU Meetings Team.
How do I request a registration receipt for AGU23?
Payment receipts for registration from AGU23 can be requested by emailing the AGU Registration Center. Registration receipts for AGU24 will be available after completing your registration for the meeting in August.
How do I purchase tickets to special events?
Tickets will be available for purchase in the online registration portal in August. Tickets for special events must be purchased online by 6 November 2024.
May I bring a guest?
Registered attendees may purchase guest passes at $170 USD each. A guest is a spouse, friend, or adult child (18 years and older) who is not working in the Earth and space science-related occupation or field. A colleague or associate working in a related scientific field or studying Earth and space science in school may not be registered and attend as a guest.
Registered guests may not attend the oral or poster scientific sessions; however, they may visit the Exhibit Hall, and attend the Honors Ceremony, and all keynote lectures. Guests may also purchase tickets to social events at the advertised rates.
When does the housing tool open to reserve hotel accommodations in Washington, D.C.?
The housing portal will open for booking in mid-August and will close 11 November 2024. AGU has partnered with over 50 hotels to offer discounts within our block.
IMPORTANT: If you are contacted by any company other than Maritz offering housing, please note that these companies are not authorized to represent AGU nor do they have access to officially contracted AGU24 room blocks or rates.
These unauthorized companies often do not deliver on promises to customers. When customers arrive, reservations are non-existent, or the hotels are not conveniently located. Sometimes the rooms have been cancelled and hefty cancellation fees have been placed on the customer's credit card. In addition, these companies' practices make it more difficult for AGU to meet our room block commitments and expose AGU to penalties. If you have questions, contact the AGU Housing Team.
Will AGU charge my credit card to guarantee my reservation?
AGU will not charge your credit card. AGU/Maritz will transfer your credit card information to the hotel approximately three weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. The credit card provided at the time of booking will only be charged by the hotel if you cancel within 72 hours of arrival or do not arrive on your scheduled date.
Will I receive a hotel confirmation?
Yes. A detailed confirmation is automatically emailed to you once your reservation has been made and all requested reservation nights are available. However, if one or more nights of your reservation cannot be confirmed at the time of booking, you will not immediately receive a confirmation. Maritz will work with the hotel on your behalf to secure the nights needed to confirm your entire reservation, you will automatically receive a confirmation at that time.
What is the hotel cancellation policy?
There is a 72-hour cancellation notice required to avoid a penalty. If your reservation is cancelled less than 72 hours prior to your arrival, you will incur a one-night room and tax penalty from your hotel.
How are cancellations processed for the meeting?
Written notification must be email to the AGU Registration Center. Registration cancellations received by 8 November 2024 will receive a complete refund. Cancellations received after 8 November will have a $50 USD processing fee deducted from their refund. No refunds will be issued for cancelled registrations or ticketed events after 14 November 2024.
What is the closest airport?
There are three major airports in the Washington, D.C. region: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (airport code: DCA), Washington Dulles International Airport (airport code: IAD) and Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (airport code: BWI). All three airports offer multiple U.S. and international flights daily. Reagan National Airport is located just across the Potomac River in Virginia and is the closest airport to D.C. It is accessible via its own Metro stop on the Blue and Yellow Lines.
What is the weather like in Washington, D.C. during the Annual Meeting
Does AGU offer travel discounts?
More information on travel discounts will be shared soon.
How do I submit a proposal?
Do I need to be a member of AGU to chair, convene or present at a session?
- The primary convener for each session must be a current 2024 AGU member or a current member of an affiliated society/organization.
- If you are not a current AGU member but are a member of a co-sponsoring organization or if you are a non-geoscientist, you must have requested a membership waiver to submit your session proposal.
- Co-conveners are not required to be AGU members. However, to fully participate in the planning and scheduling process in August, current 2024 membership is required.
Will I need to register for AGU24 in order to chair, convene or present at a session?
- Session chairs and all presenters, including invited presenters, must pay a registration fee, separate from the abstract submission fee, if they are attending and/or presenting at AGU24 in-person or virtually.
- Conveners listed on a proposal do not need to register for AGU24 if they will not attend the meeting in-person or virtually.
When do session proposals open and close?
When will I know if my session proposal has been accepted?
- Session conveners are notified of acceptance in mid-June.
- Please note, town hall and pre-conference workshop organizers will be notified in late June.
- Messages regarding the AGU scientific program are sent via [email protected]. Please check your junk or spam filter. Note: this email address is not monitored. If you have questions, please contact the Scientific Program Team.
Can I submit more than one proposal?
- Conveners may submit multiple proposals, but we ask that you ensure the topics differ and span across sections.
- See the session proposal policies section for more details.
Is there a fee to submit a session proposal or town hall?
There is no fee to submit a session proposal. Please note,
- If accepted, town hall organizers will be billed a $500 technology/labor charge.
- All first authors who submit an abstract to a session, including invited authors, are subject to the AGU membership fee and abstract submission fee.
- All presenting authors, including invited authors and session chairs must pay the meeting registration fee.
What session formats will be available at AGU24?
Can I be an invited author at a session I’m convening?
A convener cannot be the first author or presenting author on an invited abstract submitted to a session that they are convening. However:
- Conveners can submit contributed abstracts to be presented as a poster in their own session.
- Conveners may be invited authors in other sessions.
- EXCEPTION: Student and early career conveners are exempt from this rule and may be scheduled as oral presentations in their own sessions.
Can conveners include both online and in-person presentations in one session?
Pre-Conference Workshops
Is there a fee to submit a pre-conference workshop proposal?
- There is no fee to submit a session, town hall, or workshop proposal.
- All workshop attendees will be required to pay a separate registration fee to attend a workshop on-site in Washington, D.C.
Is there a separate registration fee to attend a pre-conference workshop?
- Yes. Each workshop carries an additional registration fee, with discounted rates for students. Approved workshops and registration rates will be available in late summer.
Where can I find more information about the pre-conference workshops being offered?
Full descriptions of the pre-conference workshops and conference week Learning Sessions (Workshops and Learning Panels), locations and times are available in the online conference program.
Is there a cost for workshops?
Pre-conference workshops on Sunday, 8-December are ticketed events and do have additional cost. Fees for the workshops are based on length and format of the workshop. Fees for workshops can be found here.
Do I have to be registered for the conference to attend a Learning Session during the conference week?
Yes, you must be registered for AGU24 to attend a Learning Session (workshop or learning panel) during the week of the conference. These sessions have no additional fees. Learn more about registration rates for AGU24.
Are there any workshops that do not have additional fees?
Workshops and Learning panels offered during the week of the conference week (Monday through Friday) do not require advance tickets or a fee for attendance, but they will require check-in when you arrive to each session. The schedule for these sessions can be found here.
When does registration end for pre-conference workshops?
The last day to register for pre-conference workshops is 25 November, 2024.
This is a collection of AGU policies surrounding AGU’s Annual Meeting. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
NEW virtual participation options for AGU24
When first authors submit an abstract, authors will need to indicate whether they will attend in-person in Washington D.C. or participate online-only.
New for AGU24, please note the following participation options for each session type:
Oral sessions
- will include a mix of in-person and pre-recorded presentations.
- will not be live streamed in real-time and will be recorded for on-demand viewing only.
- online presenting authors will be required to upload a pre-recorded presentation in early December.
- online presenting authors and chairs will not participate in sessions via Zoom and will not have option for live participation in session or live Q&A with audience. Online, asynchronous Q&A chat functionality will be available.
- the presentations selected for oral sessions are determined by the session conveners. It is not possible to request an oral presentation.
eLightning sessions
- will only be scheduled in-person in Washington D.C.
- eLightning presenting authors must create an interactive poster for display in the online poster gallery.
- the presentations selected for eLightning sessions are determined by the session conveners.
Poster sessions
- will be allocated by the program committee after abstract submission, the presentations selected for poster sessions are determined by the session conveners, and abstracts will be scheduled by session conveners based on the presenter's selection of online or in-person participation.
- In-person posters
- scheduled sessions will take place in-person in the poster hall in Washington, D.C.
- in-person poster presenting authors will be required to print a paper poster and attend the conference venue on the specified dates.
- presenting authors will also have the option to create an interactive poster to be displayed in the online iPoster gallery to extend visibility of their research.
- Online posters
- online presenting authors will create their own schedules during the week of the meeting and will not be included in a dedicated session.
- accepted online poster presenting authors must create an interactive poster to be displayed in the online iPoster gallery.
- presenting authors will have the opportunity to showcase their posters via asynchronous, online discussions with attendees via self scheduled video or chat times that will be listed in the online program and through direct messages.
- presenters can also create pre-recorded videos or audio narrations for attendees to view with their poster.
AGU Membership Requirements
First authors, including invited authors, must currently belong to either AGU or an affiliated society/organization.
NOTE: Under certain circumstances, special membership exceptions may be requested for invited authors who are non-geoscientists. First authors who are not current AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July.
Abstract fee Policy
The abstract submission fee is:
- A required and non-refundable processing fee.
- Separate from membership dues and meeting registration fees.
- Not based on approval of your abstract submission or attendance at the meeting.
The abstract submission fees are:
- Regular submission — $70
- Student submission — $40
- Exception: There are no abstract submission fees for individuals residing in qualifying low-income or lower-middle income countries, as defined by the World Bank. If you reside in one of these countries, the abstract fee will be waived during submission.
First Author Policy
First authors can submit up to two contributed abstracts (i.e., non-invited abstracts), as long as the second abstract is submitted to a session led by a different section from the first abstract.
Invited authors can submit up to three abstracts, including one contributed, as long as one is submitted to a session led by a different section from the first abstract.
Scenarios in which a first author could submit two or three abstracts include:
Two abstracts:
- 1 regular contributed abstract to any session + 1 regular contributed abstract, as long as the additional abstract submission is to a section led by a different section from the first abstract, OR
- 1 regular contributed abstract to any session + 1 invited abstract to any session in any section, OR
- 2 invited abstracts to any session in any section.
Three abstracts:
- 1 regular contributed abstract to any session + 1 invited abstract to any session + 1 regular contributed abstract, as long as the additional abstract submission is to a session led by a different section from the first abstract, OR
- 2 invited abstracts to any session + 1 regular contributed abstract, as long as the additional abstract submission is in a different section from the first abstract.
* Please note, first authors may submit a second abstract to a session within the same section if it is listed as co-organized with a different section.
Invited Author Policy
Conveners, please note the following:
- Conveners may invite up to two authors to submit abstracts for a session.
- Conveners should invite authors by 17 July to give authors sufficient time to accept the invitation, prepare their abstracts, and submit them. The invitation tool will be available to conveners until the abstract submission deadline on 2 August, however, please note AGU will not accept late submissions.
Invited authors, please note the following:
- Invited authors will get an email from the abstract management platform through the session convener. This email will contain a direct link to start the process of submitting your invited abstract.
- Invited authors must use the provided link to submit their abstract. If the abstract is submitted through any other means, it will not be marked as invited.
- If you mistakenly submitted your abstract as a contributed abstract for the session, please do not withdraw it. Instead, contact AGU's Scientific Program Team to have the status of your abstract changed to invited.
- Please note that being an invited author does not guarantee an oral presentation. The final decision on presentation format (oral, eLightning, or poster) will be made by the Program Committee.
- Invited authors must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including membership fees, abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration.
Conveners Submitting Abstracts
- Session conveners may not be the first author or presenting author on an invited abstract in the session they are convening; however, conveners can be invited authors in other sessions, just not in their own sessions.
- Conveners may submit a contributed abstract to a session they are convening; however, they must be scheduled as a poster presentation. Please note for AGU24, Union, student and early career conveners are exempt from this rule and may schedule oral presentations in their own session. Note that this exception will be valid only for AGU24 and will not apply to AGU25 in New Orleans.
- Conveners who submit abstracts must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including membership fees, abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration if attending in person. Conveners who are not attending the meeting do not need to pay the meeting registration fee.
- Conveners who serve as session chairs must pay the online or in-person meeting registration fee to attend.
AGU is committed to protecting your privacy, and we honor your right to make choices about the information you share with us. AGU requests information from those who engage with us to complete business processes such as meeting registration, to improve the communication and sharing of science, to improve programs and websites, and to serve the interests of members, authors, meeting attendees, and others by providing them with relevant information.
We are committed to providing an explanation of what information is required and what is optional, as well as how that information is being used.
AGU does not sell meeting attendee or member contact information.
- It has been brought to our attention that some individuals and organizations have been contacted with offers of lists for purchase. These offers are not affiliated with AGU in any way and are unauthorized. We thank our exhibitors for reporting this issue to us. If you receive or know of an email containing such an offer, we ask that you please alert us by email.
- Read AGU's Full Privacy Policy
- Learn More about the Information we collect
AGU is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and AGU staff. All participants are expected to abide by the AGU Meetings Code of Conduct.
AGU Scientific Integrity & Professional Ethics Policy
AGU members and authors of AGU publications must adhere to the AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics Policy.
All early bird registrations must be accompanied by payment. If payment is not provided, the registration will not be processed, and standard registration rates will apply. The deadline to register at the early bird rate is 6 November (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT).
Payment receipts for registration from AGU23 can be requested by emailing the AGU Registration Center. Registration receipts for AGU24 are not available yet.
Payment Types
AGU accepts credit card, check, and wire transfer payments. AGU does not process purchase orders for registration payments. To process group registration payments, contact the AGU Registration Center. The last day to submit payment via wire transfer or check is 21 November 2024.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Written notifications must be emailed to the AGU Registration Center. Registration cancellation received by 8 November 2024 will receive a complete refund. Cancellations received after 8 November will have a $50 USD processing fee deducted from their refund. No refunds will be issued for cancelled registrations or ticketed events after 14 November 2024.
Registration Substitutions
Substitutions are allowed at any time but must be requested in writing by the original registrant and emailed to the AGU Registration Center. Partial substitutions are not allowed. Registrants must transfer their full registration to a new person. Member rates and promotional rates are not transferable from the original registrant to the substitute.
*New* Registration Type Adjustment
Attendees will have the opportunity to adjust their registration type from virtual to in-person (or vice versa). Please contact the AGU Registration Center for assistance with adjusting your registration type. The deadline to make this adjustment is 15 November 2024. Starting 16 November, a $50 change fee will apply to change your registration type. Registrants will be required to pay the difference in registration cost in addition to the change fee. If switching from in-person to virtual, AGU will refund the difference minus the $50 change fee.
Group Registrations
To process payment for multiple registrations, please contact AGU Registration Center.
*New* Badge Reprint Fee
AGU will charge a badge reprint fee of $25 for any badge lost or stolen. Damaged or torn badges may be exchanged for a new one. An ID (or passport) is required to be issued a new badge.
The AGU Media Relations Office provides complimentary registration to working members of the press for the express purpose of gathering news and information to produce media coverage of AGU meetings.
Press access to the meeting is issued at the discretion of the AGU Media Relations Office and is non-transferable. All registrants must provide credentials regardless of whether they have attended past AGU meetings. If you have questions about these requirements, please contact AGU Media Relations.
Read more on eligibility requirements and photography and recording guidelines
U.S. Federal Government Employees
If you have not yet received government approval to attend AGU24, early bird registration rates will be extended throughout the meeting to U.S. Federal government employees only.
Affiliated Societies and Organizations
If you are not a current member of AGU, but you are a member of one of the affiliated societies, you may register at the member rate.
AGU welcomes those who assist others in need during AGU24. Caregivers are individuals who are at the meeting to assist with childcare or those with ADA needs. Individuals may register for free at any registration counter on-site; valid identification is required.
AGU Members
AGU members receive a discounted rate. You may join AGU as a 2024 member for the discounted membership rate until 6 November (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT).
Registered attendees may purchase guest passes at $170 USD each. Registered guests may not attend the oral or poster scientific sessions; however, they may visit the Exhibit Hall, attend the Icebreaker Reception, Honors Ceremony, and all keynote lectures. Guests may also purchase tickets to social events at the advertised rates.
A guest is a spouse, friend, or adult child (18 years and older) who is not working in an Earth and space science-related occupation or field.
A colleague or associate working in a related scientific field or studying Earth and space science may not attend as a guest.
- It is not possible to request an oral session. The program committee will assign final session formats and not all sessions will receive an oral component, but conveners may propose a poster-only session.
- The program committee generally will not consider:
- Proposals that are celebratory or honorary in nature. Sessions cannot be in tribute to a specific person or contain the name of a scientist in the session title. Names can be used in the description when used in context with scientific results and focused on the person’s contribution to the field overall.
- Proposals that are primarily advertisements of commercial products and services, or that contain the name of a specific experiment in the title or description. Opportunities to exhibit or sponsor activities at AGU24 will be available soon.
- Primary conveners must be current 2024 AGU members.
- Primary conveners who are members of an affiliated society/organization and primary conveners who are non-geoscientists must have requested a membership waiver.
- All first authors, including invited authors, who submit an abstract to a session are subject to the AGU membership fee and abstract submission fee. The presenter must also pay the meeting registration fee.
- Conveners may submit multiple proposals, but we ask that you ensure the topics differ and span across sections.
- The program committee may ask that similar session proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask conveners to revise a session proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will reach out to conveners to make these requests if needed.
- AGU expects that at least one session chair will be onsite in Washington, DC to chair in-person sessions. Session chairs do not need to be listed as conveners.
Page Content
History & Facts
The first Fall Meeting was in April 1920 in San Francisco, California. It was also known as the Spring Meeting when AGU had two meetings each year. San Francisco served as the “home” of Fall Meeting until 2017 when AGU adopted the rotation strategy.
The AGU23 Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, CA and online, with 27,339 registered attendees. In 2023 AGU also launched "continue the journey" programming which consisted of workshops and poster discussions held in January 2024.
Learn More About the 2023 Fall Meeting2022
AGU Fall Meeting was our first hybrid meeting held in Chicago, IL and online everywhere with 23,636 registered attendees.
Learn More About the 2022 Fall Meeting2021
AGU Fall Meeting was our first hybrid meeting held in New Orleans, LA and online everywhere with 23,145 registered attendees.
Learn More About the 2021 Fall Meeting2020
AGU Fall Meeting was a 100% virtual meeting with 25,400+ registered attendees
Learn More About the 2020 Fall Meeting2019
AGU Fall Meeting was held in San Francisco, CA with 27,934 registered attendees. It was also AGU’s Centennial anniversary and an opportunity to celebrate the 100 years of service to the scientific community.
Learn More About the 2019 Fall Meeting2018
AGU Fall Meeting was held in Washington, D.C. with 28,289 registered attendees. This meeting also celebrated the grand opening of AGU’s net zero energy renovation headquarters.
AGU Fall Meeting was held in New Orleans LA with 22,632 registered attendees.
- 27,339 Attendees
- 107 Countries Represented
- 279 exhibiting companies
- 8,364 First-time attendees
- 7,311 Graduate Students
- 460 K-12 Students
- 291 Press Registered
- 1,205 Undergraduate Students
- 2,535 Virtual Registrants
- 118 DEI Sessions & Events
- 103 eLightning Sessions
- 21 Innovation Sessions
- 1024 In-Person Poster Sessions
- 6 Keynotes & Plenaries
- 146 Online Poster Sessions
- 1,007 Oral Sessions
- 114 Town Halls
- 18 Workshops
- 794 eLightning Presentations
- 12,709 In-person Poster Presentations
- 712 Online Poster Presentations
- 7,335 Oral Presentations
- 13,421 Total Poster Presentations
- 9651 Student Abstracts Submitted
- 25,205 Total Abstracts Submitted
- 23,636 Attendees
- 109 Countries Represented
- 234 exhibiting companies
- 7,096 First-time attendees
- 6,917 Graduate Students
- 305 K-12 Students
- 266 Press Registered
- 1,087 Undergraduate Students
- 5,411 Virtual Registrants
- 55 DEI Sessions & Events
- N/A eLightning Sessions
- 20 Innovation sessions
- 7 Keynotes & Plenaries
- 666 Online Poster Sessions
- 996 Oral Sessions
- 798 Poster Sessions
- 86 Town Halls
- 21 Workshops
- N/A eLightning Presentations
- 9,253 In-person Poster Presentations
- 2,238 Online Poster Presentations
- 7,238 Oral Presentations
- 11,491 Total Poster Presentations
- 7,920 Student Abstracts Submitted
- 21,010 Total Abstracts Submitted
- 23,145 Attendees
- 106 Countries Represented
- 167 Exhibiting companies
- 7,058 First-time attendees
- 7,127 Graduate Students
- 303 K-12 Students
- 324 Press Registered
- 1,276 Undergraduate Students
- 14,240 Virtual Registrants
- 66 DEI sessions & events
- 155 eLightning Sessions
- 21 Innovation Sessions
- 7 Keynotes & Plenaries
- 1,075 Oral Sessions
- 882 Poster Sessions
- 116 Town Halls
- 15 Workshops
- 1,048 eLightning Presentations
- 7,599 Oral Presentations
- 10,410 Total In-person and Online Poster Presentations
- 9,010 Student Abstracts Submitted
- 21,903 Total Abstracts Submitted
Affiliated Societies
Below is the list of current affiliated societies and organizations. AGU members and those who are members of affiliated societies will receive reduced registration rates. The AGU membership requirement for submission for primary session conveners and abstract first authors will be waived for members of a co-sponsoring society. The deadline to request a membership waiver for abstract first authors, including invited authors, was Wednesday, 17 July. Please contact the AGU Scientific Program Team with any questions.
- ACSESS: Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies
- AAS: American Astronomical Society
- AMS: American Meteorological Society
- APHA: American Public Health Association
- ASPRS: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- ASA: American Society of Agronomy
- AOGS: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
- LATINMAG: Asociación Latinoamericana de Paleomagnetismo y Geomagnetismo
- CGU: Canadian Geophysical Union
- CGS: Chinese Geophysical Society
- CSSA: Crop Science Society of America
- ESA: Ecological Society of America
- EGU: European Geosciences Union
- FASEB: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
- GS: Geochemical Society
- GAC: Geological Association of Canada
- GSA: Geological Society of America
- IAS: International Association of Sedimentologists
- ISEE: International Society of Environmental Epidemiology
- ISES: International Society of Exposure Science
- JpGU: Japan Geoscience Union
- MSA: Mineralogical Society of America
- NAGT: National Association of Geoscience Teachers
- NSPS: The National Society of Professional Surveyors
- Optica (formerly OSA)
- SETAC: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- SEPM: Society for Sedimentary Geology
- SSSA: Soil Science Society of America
- UGM: Unión Geofísica Mexicana
- WCRP: World Climate Research Programme
If you would like for your society to be considered as an affiliate, please email the Meetings Team.
Program Committee Leadership
Dave Cairns
Texas A&M University
Interim Chair, AGU Program Committee
Nicole Oliphant
American Geophysical Union
Director, Scientific Programs, Meetings
Program Committee Members
Atmospheric and Space Electricity
Sonja Behnke
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Eric Bruning
Texas Tech University
Atmospheric Sciences
Valentina Aquila
American University
Melinda Berman
University of Illinois
Shannon Capps
Drexel University
Jason English
Joost de Gouw
University of Colorado Boulder
Ruben Delgado
Hampton University
Kathryn Moore
Colorado State University Fort Collins
Hui Su
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Kristina Bartowitz
American Forests
Min Chen
University of Wisconsin
Forrest Hoffman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yang Song
University of Arizona
Cryosphere Sciences
David Clemens-Sewall
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Emilio Mateo
Aspen Global Change Institute
Mark Raleigh
Oregon State University
Brianna Rick
Colorado State University
Kiya Riverman
University of Portland
Ryan Venturelli
Colorado School of Mines
Earth and Planetary Surface Processes
Suzanne Anderson
University of Colorado Boulder
Eric Barefoot
University of California, Riverside
Sarah Baumgardner
Chevron ETC
Joanmarie Del Vecchio
College of William and Mary
Kimberly Huppert
CUNY City College of New York
Ajay Limaye
University of Virginia
Claire Masteller
Washington University in St Louis
Colin Phillips
Utah State University
Kyle Straub
Tulane University of Louisiana
Global Environmental Change
David Cairns
Texas A&M University College Station
Ben Kravitz
Indiana University Bloomington
Erwan Monier
University of California Davis
Eric Lindsey
University of New Mexico Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Athina Peidou
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Amanda Hoffman-Hall
Eckerd College
Jennifer Stowell
Boston University School of Public Health
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Paul Bedrosian
Hatim Geli
New Mexico State University
Ruby Fu
California Institute of Technology
Viviana Maggioni
George Mason University Fairfax
Xiaonon Tai
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Firat Testik
University of Texas at San Antonio
AuScope Ltd
Manil Maskey
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Ranjay Shrestha
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Debjani Singh
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mineral and Rock Physics
Natural Hazards
Near-surface Geophysics
Sebastian Uhlemann
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nonlinear Geophysics
Ocean Sciences
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert Chant
Rutgers University
Steven D'Hondt
University of Rhode Island
Angelicque White
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Washington University in St Louis
Christopher Kinsley
Berkeley Geochronology Center
Yi Wang
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Planetary Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
Catherine Neish
University of Western Ontario
Gerald Patterson
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Science and Society
Study of the Earth's Deep Interior
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Neala Creasy
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ping Ni
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California Riverside
William Frank
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shihao Yuan
Victoria University of Wellington
Space Physics and Aeronomy
University of Colorado Boulder
Scott England
Virginia Tech
SPA - Aeronomy
Amy Keesee
University of New Hampshire
SPA - Magnetospheric Physics
Hazel Bain
University of Colorado Boulder
SPA - Solar and Heliospheric Physics
University of Southern California
Josie Nevitt
USGS Earthquake Science Center
Hiroke Sone
University of Wisconsin Madison
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Smithsonian Institution
Luca Caricchi
University of Geneva
Marie Edmonds
University of Cambridge
Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
University of California Davis
AGU continues to work to reduce the environmental impact of its events, including providing the programming schedule via app, reducing paper, using compostable cups and serve ware, vegetable-based containers for foodstuffs; deploying the most sustainable choices for carpet and other building supplies on-site; and encouraging attendees and staff to use public transportation or walk to events.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
The Walter E. Washington Convention Center is a leader in environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives, which include a color-coded recycling program, water efficiency, green product purchasing and more. The building boasts a long list of energy-reducing features, from low-emission glass to computerized HVAC systems. The center is Metro accessible (Green and Yellow lines) with a dedicated Mt. Vernon-7th St-Convention Center stop and immediately walkable to Shaw's booming restaurant scene and downtown's museums and nightlife, as well as the National Mall.