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AGU meetings and the press

The AGU Media Relations Office provides complimentary press registration to working members of the press for the express purpose of gathering news and information to produce media coverage of AGU meetings

Press registrants at our meetings receive, at no charge, a badge that provides access to all scientific sessions, the press room, and the press conference room. Some events and activities, including but not limited to invitation-only events and communications workshops, are not open to press badge holders.

All press room badges are issued at the discretion of the AGU Media Relations Office. Press room badges are non-transferable. All registrants must provide credentials regardless of whether they have attended past AGU meetings. If you have questions about these requirements, please contact AGU Media Relations

NOTE: Audio recording and video recording are not allowed in scientific sessions or in poster halls. Photography is allowed throughout the meeting, however, please see AGU's social media and photography policy for more information.

AGU Panoramic Ceiling Shot

Who is eligible

Professional journalists who present appropriate credentials will be considered for complimentary press registration. Check the drop-down menus for examples of acceptable credentials.

Press attendees who speak or present posters as part of the meeting programming are expected to pay the registration fee for the day, or days, of their presentation.

Media registration is granted at the discretion of AGU’s Media Relations Office.

Provide a picture of your press pass or business card, link to the masthead of your outlet listing your name and position, or link to your byline are sufficient credentials for  

Staff journalists must be employed by recognized news media outlets that distribute news to the general public. Media outlets associated with advocacy organizations must be editorially independent of the advocacy organization.

Provide a picture of your business card or link to your institution’s staff webpage listing your name and position.

If your job title does not clearly state your media relations role, provide additional information about your job description and the work you do to support your institution's press outreach.

Professionals in government affairs, public policy, marketing and project management do not qualify as press officers.

Provide links to three bylined news stories (text, audio or visual) about Earth and space science, published by recognized news outlets and intended for a general audience, published in the last year. Writers for corporate-owned and personal blogs are ineligible.

Long form writers and documentary filmmakers, please link to previous work and describe your current project in the Earth and space sciences.

Attach a letter from your program office assigning you coverage of the meeting.


Who is ineligible

Editors of scientific journals, educators, researchers in science communication, professionals in government affairs, public policy, marketing and project management, and representatives of publishing houses, the business side of news media, political action committees or similar, and for-profit corporations, will not be accredited as press and must register as regular attendees.
interview during fall meeting

Media Contacts

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Senior Specialist, Media Relations

202.777.7494 | [email protected]

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Hope Garland

Specialist, Media Relations

202.777.7452 | [email protected]

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Rebecca Dzombak

Specialist, Media Relations

202.777.7303 | [email protected]