Application Package Requirements
An executive summary that includes a dissertation title, problem statement, research objectives, proposed methods, and progress to date. The summary should not exceed two single-spaced pages. Cited references should be included on additional pages.
A statement that explains to the selection committee why this grant is important to the applicant's dissertation, how it will allow work to be carried out beyond that originally planned, and how it will be budgeted. Please also include any additional supporting information. The statement should not exceed one page.
A detailed budget that provides a detailed list of each budget item and its estimated cost. Acceptable items might include living costs while doing field work; research costs such as laboratory supplies, computer time, or field instrumentation; travel costs to field sites and/or a technical symposium; book purchases related to the research project. Travel costs must be broken down into transportation, hotel/per diem and registration cost (for a conference/workshop.)
A curriculum vitae that includes the applicant’s name, address, email, history of employment, degrees, research experience, honors, memberships and service to the community as well as a complete set of graduate school transcripts.
Individual letters of recommendation in support of the proposal from the applicant's main faculty research supervisor and another member of their thesis committee. Applicants are responsible for requesting letters and communicating the following instructions to their recommenders:
- Letters must be on official letterhead, signed by the referee, and submitted as a PDF using the following filename format: Applicant Last Name_Referee Last Name.
- Letters must be submitted by the application deadline in OpenWater, the AGU Online Grants System.
- Once the application is submitted, recommenders will receive an email containing a link to upload their letter.