Recognizing Significant and Innovative Contributions to the Hydrologic Sciences
The Paul A. Witherspoon lecture recognizes significant and innovative contributions by middle-career scientists to the hydrologic sciences through research aimed at socially important problems and through mentoring of young scientists. The award is named to honor the life and work of Paul A. Witherspoon, an accomplished hydrologist who was a leader in the field for more than 50 years. The lecture is presented annually.
- A lecture certificate
- Recognition in Eos
- An invitation to present at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
- Up to $2,000 in travel expenses to attend AGU's annual meeting during the lecture presentation year
- Registration to AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
- Ticket to the Hydrology section luncheon that occurs at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
About the Hydrology Section
The Hydrology Section is one of twenty-five sections in the American Geophysical Union. Its members are concerned with the cycling of continental water (solid, liquid and vapor) at all scales, and with physical, chemical and biological processes driven by that cycling. Of AGU's almost 60,000 members, about 7000 list their primary affiliation with the hydrology section.