artist rendering of earth in space with sunrising

Science Policy Opportunities

AGU Science Policy information, opportunities and resources

Welcome to AGU Science Policy's information center. Find applications, resources, upcoming opportunities, and more. 

Opportunities and Programs

  • AGU'S CONGRESSIONAL SCIENCE FELLOWSHIP– The Congressional Science Fellowship program places highly accomplished scientists and other professionals in the offices of either an individual member of Congress or on a committee for a one-year assignment. Applications are due 15 January 2024.

  • VOICES FOR SCIENCE – Join this program that supports, rewards, and fosters a network of exceptional science-communication and science-policy advocates based in the United States, Canada, the UK, and the European Union to amplify the voice of science in those countries and build valuable dialogues and relationships with key audiences. Applications are due 1 February 2024.

  • GEOSCIENCES CONGRESSIONAL VISIT DAY: Each year, AGU sponsors Congressional Visits Days (CVDs), which gives our members the opportunity to meet with policymakers, traditionally in Washington, D.C. This 9-10 September 2024, alongside other geoscience society partners (GSA, SSA, AMS), AGU will be hosting a two-day science policy workshop Geosciences Congressional Visits Day, capped off by congressional visits with your legislators. Learn more about GeoCVD and other opportunities to engage. 

  • LOCAL SCIENCE PARTNERS –  AGU’s new program will pair AGU members with their legislators and provide AGU member partners the tools, resources and training to build sustainable relationships with their legislators. The goal of Local Science Partners is to advance AGU’s policy agenda and diversify sciences’ Congressional champions.
  • POSITION STATEMENTS: AGU offers resources on issues related to Earth and space science. Our science impacts areas from agriculture to energy and we hope to enable our scientists and policymakers to develop solutions to these issues. Our position statements provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues related to our science. They are developed by a task force of experts, submitted for a member review period, and approved by AGU’s Board and Council.

  • AGU ACTION CENTER - Engage with your legislators in just a few clicks on the latest science policy issues and legislation, and sign up to receive alerts when key science policy actions happen. 
  • Catalyzing Advocacy In Science And Engineering (CASE) Workshop-Each year, AGU sponsors one student member to attend the AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) Workshop in Washington, D.C. The workshop will be held 14-17 April 2024, and teaches students about Congress, the federal budget, and science communication during a three-day course. Apply for AGU sponsorship by 1 February 2024!

Far shot of group hiking Angel Island

Learn and follow

  • POSITION STATEMENTS AGU offers resources on issues related to Earth and space science. Our science impacts areas from agriculture to energy and we hope to enable our scientists and policymakers to develop solutions to these issues. Our position statements provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues related to our science. They are developed by a task force of experts, submitted for a member review period, and approved by AGU’s Board and Council.

  • GLOBAL POLICY AT AGU - Earth and space scientists stand at the forefront of the climate crisis and bring pivotal perspective to global policy. AGU offers many ways to help you become a better advocate for science policy at a global level.
  • LETTERS TO POLICYMAKERS – As a scientific society, AGU is often called upon to explain the importance of Earth and space science and its impact on society, as a way to inform decisions that shape policy across the country. This often means we write, or co-sign, letters to lawmakers and regulators that explain our position on certain topics and provide information or highlight issues affecting the science community. Visit our letters page on the AGU Bridge Blog to read recent letters by date, the receiving agency or office, and scientific topic. For letters before 2021, please visit our Letters Archive page.

  • THE BRIDGE BLOG - The Bridge is an AGU blog that connects science and policy. It provides a platform for scientists, policy makers, and experts to communicate ideas about the science policy interface. Do you have a policy idea you want to share? Pitch your blog idea to our team. 

  • @AGUSciPolicy ON TWITTER – Follow us on Twitter for more on the latest events and news around Earth and space science policy.

  • SCIENCE POLICY ALERTS – Sign up to receive our monthly email alerts to keep you informed on science policy happenings and help you share your expertise and views with your elected representatives in a meaningful manner.

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