Member Since 2013
Prachanda Subedi
University of Delaware
Honors and Awards

Donald L. Turcotte Award
Received December 2017
Prachanda Subedi will receive the 2017 Donald L. Turcotte Award at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, to be held 11–15 December in New Orleans, La. This award is given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient for “outstanding dissertation ...
Prachanda Subedi will receive the 2017 Donald L. Turcotte Award at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, to be held 11–15 December in New Orleans, La. This award is given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient for “outstanding dissertation research that contributes directly to nonlinear geophysics.”  

Prachanda Subedi received his B.S. degree in physics from East Central University in Ada, Okla. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he enrolled at the University of Delaware, where he received a Ph.D. in space physics in 2017. His Ph.D. work was done under the supervision of William Matthaeus. His research interests include turbulence, space plasma, magnetohydrodynamics, and transport theory.


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