Member Since 1998
Andrea G. Grottoli
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Honors and Awards

Rachel Carson Lecture
Received December 2021
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Ocean Sciences Voyager Award
Received December 2018
Andréa G. Grottoli will receive the 2018 Ocean Sciences Voyager Award at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2018, to be held 10–14 December in Washington, D. C. The award is given to midcareer scientists for significant contributions and expanding leadership in ocea...
Andréa G. Grottoli will receive the 2018 Ocean Sciences Voyager Award at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2018, to be held 10–14 December in Washington, D. C. The award is given to midcareer scientists for significant contributions and expanding leadership in ocean sciences.  

It is my pleasure to recognize Dr. Andréa Grottoli as the recipient of the 2018 AGU Ocean Sciences Voyager Award for her significant contributions and expanding leadership in ocean sciences. Her interdisciplinary research bridges methods and approaches in both geochemistry and coral biology, giving her a unique lens for addressing questions related to the impact of climate change on coral reefs of the past, present, and future. She has published extensively on the effects of ocean warming and acidification on coral biology and skeletal geochemistry, coral bleaching, and coral resilience. Her discoveries have highlighted the importance of plankton to coral survival, and the importance of acclimatization to coral persistence, in the face of climate change. She has also published in the field of paleoceanography. She is a world leader in these fields, and I have had the pleasure of following her progress and impact since the time she was a graduate student.

In addition to her groundbreaking research, Dr. Grottoli has served as an exceptional role model to the next generation of marine scientists. Among the many dozens of undergraduate and graduate students she has mentored, more than 60% were women or minorities. She has also shared the excitement of fieldwork with dozens of students and taught oceanography classes to thousands more. She is a leader in the international scientific community and at Ohio State University. Dr. Grottoli is a highly accomplished marine scientist who serves as a tireless advocate for addressing the current and future plight of coral reefs. Her accomplishments are most impressive. Join me in congratulating her as the highly worthy recipient of this year’s AGU Voyager Award.

—Peter Swart, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla.

Thank you, Peter, for nominating me for this award. You have played a significant and positive role in my career, and for that I am immensely grateful. Who knew that 1 month of running coral isotope samples in your lab when I was a graduate student would turn into enduring mentorship, collegiality, and professional friendship? I am so very glad it did. I am grateful to my Ph.D. advisor, Dr. Gerard Wellington (now deceased), who encouraged my research independence early on, and to my postdoc advisor, Dr. Ellen Druffel, who showed me by example how to forge a successful career path as a female scientist. I am also thankful to Drs. Ed Boyle and Ruth Gates, who have been encouraging and supportive of my career and of this award nomination. The tireless efforts of my many students, postdocs, and collaborators have also been integral to my receipt of this award. The work has been a team effort, and I am very grateful to every one of you. It is those “Aha!” moments that make the research so rewarding. To my family and friends, who have listened to countless stories about corals and research adventures: Thank you. To my spouse, Jim, and my daughter, Marcella, you have added a sense of balance and deeper purpose to my endeavors. I am so happy to share my adventures with you and grateful for your unflagging support. I am thankful to live in a place and a time when it has been possible for me to thrive and be recognized as a female scientist. And, finally, I would like to thank the AGU Ocean Sciences section for this award. I am deeply honored. —Andréa G. Grottoli, Ohio State University, Columbus
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