Member Since 2016
Avantika Gori
Graduate Student, Princeton University
Honors and Awards

Natural Hazards Section Award for Graduate Research
Received December 2022
Avantika Gori received a B.Sc. in 2016 and an M.Sc. in 2018, both in civil and environmental engineering, from Rice University. She is currently working toward a Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering at Princeton University, where her research, advised by Ning Lin, focuses on investigating and modeling joint hazards and compound flooding from tropical cyclones in a changing climate. Her research interests lie more broadly in multihazard coastal risk assessment under nonstationary climate and environmental conditions. She has received several prestigious fellowships, including the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Defense and the Honorific Fellowship from Princeton University. She has published 12 papers in high-impact journals, including Nature Climate Change. —Ning Lin, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
I am honored and grateful to have received the Natural Hazards Section Award for Graduate Research. Thank you very much to my adviser, Dr. Ning Lin, for nominating me for this award and to Dr. Thomas Wahl and Dr. Jeroen Aerts for their support and enthusiasm. Over the past 4 years I have benefited from the exemplary mentorship of Dr. Lin, and under her guidance I have become a more thoughtful, insightful, and passionate researcher. I have also been inspired by the work of Dr. Wahl and Dr. Aerts, particularly in the area of flood risk, resilience, and adaptation. As I continue my career as a natural hazards researcher, I hope to generate similarly impactful research and contribute meaningfully to flood adaptation efforts across the globe. —Avantika Gori, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
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