The 1 Hz whistler wave precursors attached to shock‐like structures are often observed in the foreshock. Using observations from the Mag...
In astrophysics and space, supercritical shock is generated when an object interacts with an incoming supersonic plasma stream. Its downstream plas...
Hot flow anomalies are ion kinetic phenomena that play an important role in geoeffects and particle acceleration. They form due to the currents dri...
Hot flow anomalies (HFAs) are typical and important foreshock transients characterized by large flow deflection and plasma heating. HFAs can deform...
In the ion foreshock, there are many foreshock transients driven by back streaming foreshock ions. When the foreshock ions interact with tangential...
The ion foreshock is highly dynamic, disturbing the bow shock and the magnetosphere‐ionosphere system. To forecast foreshock‐driven spa...
In this study, we investigate statistical features of polar cap north (PCN) and south (PCS) indices in response to various interplanetary condition...