The terrestrial bow shock is the boundary where supersonic solar wind slows down abruptly near the magnetopause. The shock front geometry could be ...
In astrophysics and space, supercritical shock is generated when an object interacts with an incoming supersonic plasma stream. Its downstream plas...
Magnetic reconnection, an essential mechanism in plasma physics that changes magnetic topology and energizes charged particles, plays a vital role ...
In this study, we investigate statistical features of polar cap north (PCN) and south (PCS) indices in response to various interplanetary condition...
Using the high‐time‐resolution data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, precursor waves upstream of foreshock transient (FT) sh...
The effects of plasma density on the plasmaspheric hiss amplitude and its spatial and temporal scale sizes are investigated using data from Van All...
Ultra‐low‐frequency (ULF) waves emerge as pivotal factors in elucidating the mechanisms that drive the intricate dynamics of radiation ...
Short large‐amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) frequently appear near the bow shock. Inside steepening SLAMS, whistler‐mode waves ar...