Anoruo Chukwuma
Graduate student, University of Nigeria
Member, Space Physics and Aeronomy Canvassing Committee
I study interesting phenomenon in Physics of the upper atmosphere. I employ the use of GNSS data to study MIT (magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere) coupling and the phase delay irregularities in trans-ionospheric propagation, traveling Ionospheric disturbances (TID) in GNSS and total electron content (TEC) during Ionospheric substorms and storms, TID coupling with stratospheric warming during propagation of AGW (atmospheric gravity waves). I also use the rate of change of the TEC (ROTI) index
Professional Experience
University of Nigeria
Graduate student
2018 - Present
Westward PPEF Plays Important Role in the Suppression of Post‐Midnight Plasma Irregularities: A Case...

We use multiple instruments data to investigate the behavior of the equatorial and low‐latitude ionosphere during the geomagnetically active ...

June 02, 2024
Volunteer Experience
2023 - 2025
Space Physics and Aeronomy Canvassing Committee