What to expect at AGU20 online
Participate and Shape the Future of Science
#AGU2020 is designed for global engagement and participation following leading practices for large virtual meetings. It brings together leading Earth and space science, current and future global thought leaders and scholars at a challenging time for Earth's citizens and environment. Participate and "Shape the Future of Science."
The meeting will begin on 1 December and continue to 17 December. Most of the scientific programming will be from 7-17 December; some content, including town halls, scientific workshops, innovative sessions and AGU events are scheduled during the week of 1 December. Events will be scheduled to accommodate multiple time zones with breaks and spread out over the meeting.
Most importantly, all of the content will be available during the full meeting. Join when you are able to and still not miss out on any presentation or discussion.
The hub or lobby for the virtual FM 2020 will allow registered attendees to explore the meeting's opportunities. -
From the lobby you can view the daily schedule, head into the live keynotes, workshops, oral and eLightning Q&A sessions, view the poster sessions, visit the AGU booth and other exhibitors, and event a lounge where you can meet up and chat. -
Each session's prerecorded videos and posters will be available to watch any time ahead of the live Q&A sessions to plan any questions you might have during the live Q&A. -
The live sessions will be recorded and available during the time of the meeting. -
Numerous networking and career development opportunities.
Meeting platform
As the Fall Meeting moves to a virtual platform, session types will include
Oral Sessions: include pre-recorded presentations with scheduled one-hour live Q&A with a group of presenters.
eLightning Sessions: include a virtual poster with scheduled 3-minute lightning talks and Q&A at the time of session.
Poster Sessions: include a virtual poster with a scheduled text chat at the time of session and additional scheduled chats based on author's availability. - AGU Innovations: these events within the AGU meeting are terrific ways to participate in deep-dive and curated content along topics you're interested in. COVID, scientific collaboration and social justice, transcending the classroom, and you might even be able to dance your scientific research!
- Workshops: deep-dive events scheduled in multiple time zones, some may be multi-day, offer you a chance to connect, think, and participate in new ways. Topics include 3D printing for geosciences, bystander intervention training, machine learning, and using R and Python for environmental data science. These promise to be dynamic opportunities to build your skills and your community connections in a safe and robust learning environment.
Town Halls: over 100 to be held over the course of 17 days. These provide updates and a chance to discuss your ideas with organizations, agencies, and the community on a variety of topics. Organizations participating include NAS, NASA, NOAA, UN, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, National Solar Observatory, US Department of Energy, NSF, US Global Change Research Program, and multiple academic groups.
- Tools to self-organize: tools to meet within the platform and connect around themes or topics in a safe space. Also, the ability to schedule these meetings in advance and meet 1:1 or in small groups.