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COVID-19 Protocols

AGU is always focused on ensuring a safe and productive meeting.

Only fully vaccinated people may attend #AGU21 in-person in New Orleans. We are exploring ways to require in-person attendees to show proof of vaccination before picking up their badges while maintaining privacy. We will provide further updates about how to provide your information.

We are actively watching advice on gathering and travel while working with local, national and international advisory groups. If conditions and advice change and warrant a reduced in-person event, or fully online event again, we will inform conveners and the AGU community as soon as possible.

AGU-branded face mask in blue duotone

COVID-19 Update as of 28 October

AGU will require masks to be worn indoors, including in the poster hall and exhibit floor, at the Convention Center during #AGU21 unless you are actively eating or drinking. AGU will require masks regardless of New Orleans’ policy (since it has changed numerous times). As a reminder, a proof of vaccination will also be required to obtain your badge.

The only other exception is for speakers who speak from a podium in meeting rooms, if they so choose, may take off their masks while talking.

In advance of #AGU21, we appreciate all attendees’ compliance with the mask requirement so that staff or security will not have to request they wear their masks. We trust our attendees to behave in a manner that will keep themselves and other attendees safe.

AGU is only able to make this rule to the New Orleans Convention Center since we rented the entire facility. Attendees should be aware that restaurants, hotels and other establishments they visit may not have mask requirements. Many of these have been, and are still requiring, proof of vaccination to enter. Many restaurants in New Orleans have open-air seating options.

We will continue to monitor both New Orleans regulations and data from other conventions there and events elsewhere over the next several weeks. It is possible also that New Orleans will change its policy again before the meeting occurs.

AGU has secured several nearby rapid testing facilities. AGU will provide masks for those who forget to bring one on-site.

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We have assembled this list of resources to assist you with your travel and safety inquires:

If you are traveling outside of the continental U.S., please review these materials and note the requirements and restrictions that may impact your plans.