Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) schedule
AGU’s ethics, diversity, and inclusion events at Fall Meeting 2021 will provide attendees information to transform workplace culture in ways that will increase innovation, discoveries and solutions in Earth and Space Sciences.
Note: All times listed below are Central Time (CT)
DEI in the Scientific Program
AGU's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion schedule is highlighted below. Access the full Scientific Program here.
View ProgramTuesday, 7 December
Online Only
TH007 - Building Power With Communities to Enhance the Science Advocacy Movement
Wednesday, 8 December
Online Only
TH014 - The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science Initiatives in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusions: The Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Research Integrity Seeks Input From the Research Community TEST TEST
Saturday, 11 December
LANDinG Cohort 1 Summit- Session 1 (by Invitation only)
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Churchill C1-C2, Second Floor
Sunday, 12 December
In-person and online
AGU Heads and Chairs Workshop (by invitation only)
Hilton Riverside - Churchhill B1 & B2, Second Floor
LANDinG Cohort 1 Summit- Sessions 2-4 (by Invitation only)
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Churchill C1-C2, Second Floor
Voices of Integrating Culture in the Earth Sciences (VOICES)
Convention Center - Room 260-262
SCIWS34 - Capturing the Ecological, Environmental, and Cultural Stories of New Orleans in Immersive Virtual Tours for K12 Classrooms
Convention Center - Room 231-232
International Reception
Convention Center - Magnolia Porch, First Floor
AGU Bridge Program Meetup (by invitation only)
Hilton Riverside - Churchhill B1 & B2, Second Floor
Monday, 13 December
In-person and online
Skills for Science: Building relationships with communities (Virtual)
Speaking Up: How anyone can change the conversation in STEMM (LANDIng Cohorts and Heads and Chairs - by invitation only)
2021 AGU Accessible Science Panel
Convention Center - Prow Main Stage- Great Hall, First Floor
Build your DEI Community with AGU LANDInG
Convention Center - AGU Central: Connections and Collaboration Theater (B1), First Floor
Student & Early Career Scientist Conference: Strategies for Responding to Hostile Work Climates (Virtual)
Presidential Forum Lecture: Dr. Robert D Bullard
Convention Center - Great Hall, Prow Main Stage
11:15AM - 12:15PM
TH13C - Finding Your Place for Change: How and Where to Take an Active Role in DEI Initiatives as Early-Career Researchers and Students
Skills for Science: Community Science 101
Convention Center - Skills for Science Room (B1), First Floor
SY15C - Fire and Water: Integrating Management, Indigenous Knowledge, and Modeling of Wildfire Impacts on Water Resources I Poster
SY15A - Antiracism and Ethics in the Geosciences: The Intentionality Needed for Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (B A JEDI) I Poster
SY15A-0565 - A New Ethics Workshop: Addressing Racism and Colonialism in the Geosciences
SY15A-0568 - “I do not belong”: The ADVANCEGeo Partnership’s workplace climate survey of earth and space scientists
AGU DEI Meet-Up/Reception
18:15 - 19:15PM
TH15D – Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geosciences Town Hall
TH15F - Coproducing Understanding of Drivers and Consequences of Environmental Arctic Change
Tuesday, 14 December
In-person and online
C21A - The Cryosphere Is for All: Toward a More Diverse and Inclusive Cryospheric Sciences I Oral
9:00AM- 12:00PM
Speaking Up: How anyone can change the conversation in STEMM
TH23B - Student and Early-Career Voices at AGU
SY25F - Advancing Equitable Science Policy: Frameworks, Stories, and Best Practices I Poster
Skills for Science: Building relationships with communities
SY25A - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion From an International Perspective: Issues, Priorities, and Opportunities I Poster
SY25A-0589 - Developing and Implementing a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at an International Research Center in an Arctic University to Build Trusting, Caring and Professional Relationships Across International Research Communities
GC25G - Environmental Justice/Equity and Global Change: Methodologies, Frameworks, and Results II Poster
SY25A-0590 - Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
Wednesday, 15 December
In-person and online
08:00 - 09:15AM
ED31A - Inclusivity in Geosciences: A Conversation Between Scientists and Educators I Oral
09:45 - 11:00AM
ED32A – Barriers to Entry for Underrepresented Scholars in Gateway Internship, Scholarship, and Graduate Programs: Opening Doors and Diversifying Programs I
11:00AM -12:00PM
Science Policy Update: Building Inclusive Climate Policies
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Student & Early Career Scientist Conference: Bystander Intervention for Everyone
TH33G - Reciprocity in AGU: The Beginnings of an Indigenous Action Committee
TH33I - AGU LANDInG: What Is The Big Deal? Why and How to Participate
12:15 - 13:15PM
TH33A – Toward Increasing Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and Community Engagement in Climate Research: Challenges, Opportunities, and Successes
Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Publishing Experience
U33B - Unlearning Racism in Geoscience: Part 1
Building Inclusive Strategies with Diverse Communities & Cities to Address Climate Change
U34B - Unlearning Racism in Geoscience: Part 2
SH34A - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Space Sciences I Oral
SCIWS36 - Examining the Ecosystem of Geoscience-Related Infrastructure Careers: “Understanding Geoscience Careers Behind Critical Infrastructure: A Tale of Three Cities - New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago” A Three-Part Series of Student-led Workshop Presentations and Town Halls on Increasing the Diversity of the Geoscience Workforce. – Part 1
U35A-2230 - Unlearning racism in a federal setting
16:00 - 18:00PM
U35A - Unlearning Racism in Geoscience: Poster Session
Thursday, 16 December
In-person and online
SY42B - Advances in Social Justice and Resiliency in Water Resources I eLightning
LANDInG Launch Lecture - Dr. Kelly Mack
TH43K - Surviving Global Change: GeoHealth, Marginalized Communities, and Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene
Bright STaRS Luncheon (By Invitation Only)
SCIWS37 - Examining the Ecosystem of Geoscience-Related Infrastructure Careers: “Understanding Geoscience Careers Behind Critical Infrastructure: A Tale of Three Cities - New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago” A Three-Part Series of Student-led Workshop Presentations and Town Halls on Increasing the Diversity of the Geoscience Workforce. – Part 2
ED45B - Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster Session I Poster
SY45D - Native Science to Action: How Indigenous Worldviews Inform, Diversify, and Build Capacity in Environmental Science and Policy II Poster
ED45G - Imagining Science: Public Engagement Using Visualization and the Arts II Poster
18:15- 19:15PM
TH45L - Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Earth and Space Sciences: Conversation on Issues and Opportunities With the AGU Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
TH45I - Coordination for Use-Inspired Convergence Research and Equitable Collaboration in the Arctic: A Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) Community Town Hall
AGQ: LGBTQ+ Geoscientists and Allies Reception
Friday, 17 December
In-person and online
U51A - Climate Change and Health Equity: Action at the Intersection of Social Justice and Health Disparities
SCIWS38 - Examining the Ecosystem of Geoscience-Related Infrastructure Careers: “Understanding Geoscience Careers Behind Critical Infrastructure: A Tale of Three Cities - New Orleans, San Francisco, and Chicago” A Three-Part Series of Student-led Workshop Presentations and Town Halls on Increasing the Diversity of the Geoscience Workforce. – Part 3
ED52A - Arctic Education and Outreach: Effective Ways of Engaging Diverse Learners in Arctic Science I Oral
TH53J - Ethics During Field Work and Sample Collection: Case Study of Lessons Learned and an Educational Opportunity for All
ED53A - Citizen and Community Science: Facilitating Authentic Science Experiences With Diverse Audiences I Oral
SY53A - Fostering a Community of Inclusive and Accessible Earth System Science Engagement: Partnerships, Programs, and Processes I Oral
SY53A-03 - Evaluating the efficacy of the ADVANCEGeo bystander intervention training program to improve workplace climate
SY55B-0350 - Experiences of the LGBTQIA+ Community in the Earth and Planetary Sciences
ED55B - Arctic Education and Outreach: Effective Ways of Engaging Diverse Learners in Arctic Science II Poster