For Authors

For more than a century, AGU Publications has been supporting researchers to advance the Earth and space sciences.
Author Resources & FAQs
Visit the AGU Publications Webinars page for free webinar recordings and video resources. Learn about writing and publishing best practices and how to navigate open science (open access, open data, open software). 
AGU requires that the underlying data and/or software needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research be available at the time of peer review and publication. Visit our Data & Software for Authors page for detailed guidance on determining the type of data and software that need to be available, selecting an appropriate repository, crafting your availability statement, guidelines for research primarily based on numerical models or theory, and data citation practices.
To help authors who might need help improving the editing and language quality of their submission so that the paper is sufficiently understood by the reviewers and readers, we have partnered with American Journal Experts (AJE) to provide English language editing, translation, and illustration services. AJE has helped over 500,000 researchers around the world to present their research in polished English suitable for publication in journals such as those published by AGU. Our members receive a 20% discount on all AJE services. Please note that the use of these services does not guarantee acceptance in an AGU publication. 
AGU is committed to inclusive and equitable scientific publishing and provides funding options for authors, including waivers. All accepted papers will be published regardless of the author’s ability to pay publication fees. Visit our Funding Options page for support that are available to you.
When submitting a manuscript to an AGU journal, you are asked to provide a Plain Language Summary (PLS). A well-written PLS is likely to draw more attention to your article and make it more read and more cited. Find out about the various audiences and potential uses for Plain Language Summaries and access helpful tips on how to write and structure and effective one. Find out how to identify and avoid scientific jargon.
  • Search Engine Optimization – Carefully choose key words for your article title and abstract to make your article appear higher in the internet search results list when someone enters a term that is relevant to your topic. This will make your work more likely to be discovered.
  • Plain Language Summary – Submitting a Plain Language Summary with your article summarizes your work in terms that are accessible to people outside of your scientific circle. Read our tips for how to write an effective Plain Language Summary.
  • Graphical Abstract – Submit an illustration to summarize your study and its key findings which can be published alongside the written Abstract and Plain Language Summary on the online version of your article. Graphical abstracts are also great for sharing on social media.
Sharing your journal article or book chapter will ensure that your work reaches a larger audience and increase the impact of your research.
  • If you think the results of your research might be newsworthy, fill out this form to tell AGU’s press office what you think is interesting about your research and how it will shape future research or understanding in this field. We recommend doing this as soon as your paper has been accepted.
  • Tell your institution’s press office about the research and interesting findings. We recommend doing this as soon as your paper has been accepted, not after publication. Please notify AGU’s press office if your institution is planning a press release so that AGU can coordinate and complement efforts.
  • Post the “version of record” of your article to your institutional repository.
  • Find out about sharing your work via social media, blogs and videos and learn the most effective ways to convey your message simply and concisely. Prepare social media posts for different platforms using our free thematic Canva templates. Remember to tag @theAGU and use #AGUPubs.
  • Sign up for Kudos, a free platform for sharing your research within and outside of academia. You can write a plain language abstract, share it online and track the impact, downloads, and citations of your work. Watch this webinar to find out more.
You can monitor how people are engaging with your work via the article’s webpage on Go to the article information box in the right column, choose the “Information” tab, and you will find “Metrics” at the top.
  • Full Text Views – This number shows the full text views of your article on the Wiley Online Library platform.
  • Citations – This number shows the number of times your article has already been cited in the academic literature.
  • Altmetric Score – This tracks shares and mentions of your article on news sites, blogs, and social media. Click on “Am score” to find full details of how and where the article has been shared and what your score means.
It’s important to communicate the findings and the relevance of your research beyond the scientific community. Resources from AGU’s Sharing Science program are available to help you to prepare for promoting your published work with different audiences.
  • Share your science with the media – Are you writing an op-ed or letter to the editor, participating in a phone interview, appearing on a radio or news broadcast, or looking to connect with a journalist? Access tips for preparing your pitch and working with reporters, journalists, public information or communications officers.
  • Share your science with your community – Are you participating in a science event at a local school or giving a lecture to a community group? Access resources on communicating your science effectively to a lay or younger audience.
  • Share your science with policy makers – Does your work have direct relevance to local or national socio-economic issues? Find out about opportunities to advocate for science and present your work to lawmakers, regulators and policy influencers.
Journal FAQs
Depending on the AGU journal, there are fees that might be associated with publishing your paper. AGU is committed to inclusive and equitable scientific publishing and provides funding options for authors, including full waivers. All accepted papers will be published regardless of the author’s ability to pay publication fees. Please consult our Publication Fees page and our Funding Options page.
We have various checklists and templates available to assist you in preparing your manuscript, including LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates. Please consult our Submission Checklists page. Additionally, you can also submit your papers directly using cloud-based: Overleaf and Curvenote, which are LaTeX-based, and Authorea.

The time to decision depends on the journal, the length of your paper, and the length of the peer review process. You can see the process described in our Quick Guide. The median first decision times for each of our journals can be found on our Journal Statistics page.

AGU grants permission for individuals to use figures, tables, and short quotes from AGU journal and books for republication in academic works and to make single copies for personal use in research, study, or teaching provided full attribution is included. There is no need to request this permission from AGU.

Outside of this described use, permission might be required. If the figure was published in an Open Access article, permission is not required but you will still need to cited it appropriately according to the paper’s specific Creative Commons License. If the figure was not published in an Open Access article, permissions are required and can be obtained through RightsLink. Go to the Tools section of the article page and choose “Request Permissions.”

Additional information related to copyright, rights granted to authors, and permissions can be found on our Policies page.

All individuals who fit the AGU Publications definition of authorship must be included on the paper. If your co-author has moved institutions or graduated, try contacting the institution or their advisor for a forwarding address. You can also try LinkedIn, known colleagues, and social media to aid in your search.

Books FAQs

We accept proposals for new books at any time. Please contact [email protected] or a member of the Editorial Board for an initial discussion about your idea and to find out more about the proposal process.

We recommend that you prepare a one-page concept note summarizing the rationale, scope, and intended audience of your book so that we can assess its suitability for one of our series.

After discussing the viability of your idea, you will be invited to prepare a more comprehensive proposal per our guidelines.

A book gives the space and freedom to tell a complete story by organizing chapters into a deliberate order that presents a narrative arc through all aspects of a topic.

A book can present a mixture of material including literature reviews, methods and techniques, new research findings, case studies, and applications.

A book is a great medium for interdisciplinary topics, as it can collate different perspectives that would otherwise need to be published in multiple journals.

An edited volume is coordinated by one or more volume editor(s) and features chapters written by different author(s). The volume editor(s) are responsible for creating the table of contents and identifying contributors for each chapter. With support from AGU and Wiley, the volume editor(s) will set deadlines for submission and revision, oversee the peer review process, and be the primary contact through the production process.

An authored volume involves an individual or a small team of people. The volume author(s) are responsible for writing the entire book manuscript. An assigned member of the Editorial Board will provide advice and encouragement through the writing stage and oversee the peer review process.

A book is an opportunity to make a lasting contribution to your scientific community. Some volumes go on to become seminal texts in their field that are used and cited for decades.

A book project — whether an edited or authored volume — is an opportunity to collaborate with other scientists and widen your professional network.

Being a volume editor or volume author will make your name more recognizable and build your reputation in your scientific field. It may also count toward tenure or promotion applications.

An overview of each step in AGU’s book publishing process can be found here.

The timeline for books is driven largely by the volume editor(s) or volume author(s) leading the project. Setting a realistic timeline for a book and being firm with deadlines are in everyone’s interest to ensure that content is published in a timely way.

Discussing your idea, developing your concept, contacting potential collaborators and contributors, and preparing a detailed proposal often take some time, but it is essential groundwork for a successful book project.

Once a new book proposal is submitted, we usually obtain reviews and make a decision within 6 weeks.

After the contract is signed, the volume editor(s) or author(s) decide on a realistic time frame for submission of manuscripts, the peer review process, submission of revised manuscripts, and the preparation of final files. This can be completed in as quickly as 12 months but often takes several years.

Once a final accepted manuscript enters production, it takes about 6 months until the book is published online and in print.

Yes, AGU launched a new open access series, GeoHorizons, in partnership with the Geological Society of London in 2023. Learn more about the series scope, proposal guidelines, and pricing here.

For the Geophysical Monograph Series, Special Publications Series, and Advanced Textbook Series, there is no cost to the author to submit or publish; rather, the volume editor(s) or volume author(s) receive royalties on sales.

For the GeoHorizons open access book series, there is a fee to cover the cost of making the content freely available. Some discounts and waivers are available. Please contact us to discuss funding options and different ways to cover the costs.

Yes, all AGU books are subject to the same high standards of impartial, blind peer review as journal articles to ensure the scientific quality and rigor of the content.

We solicit three independent reviews for book proposals and six for textbook proposals.

Each chapter in an edited volume must receive at least two reviews.

For authored volumes, each chapter must receive at least two reviews, plus the full book manuscript is also reviewed for its coherence.

Yes, all published chapters are assigned a DOI and are independently discoverable and citable.

Books published in the Geophysical Monograph Series are indexed in the Web of Science and SCOPUS, enabling the tracking of citations.

Special Collections FAQs
A special collection organizer initiates the collection proposal and acts as the point of contact between AGU staff, editors, and collection authors. Special collection organizers advertise the open call for papers, invite papers, write promotional content, follow up with authors on lagging papers.
If the overseeing editors in chief determine(s) a need to invite guest associate editors to assist with the peer review process of the collection, special collection organizers may be invited to serve as guest associate editors. After attending a training session, guest associate editors may be asked to identify reviewers and provide a recommendation based on the reviews returned. However, guest associate editors do not make final decisions on papers. Additionally, some editorial boards may prefer to handle the peer review of the special collection with their current associate editors.
Generally, AGU special collections accept submissions for 6 months – 2 years, depending on the length of the project, timeliness of the topic, and/or the readiness of the authors. Organizers can select a timeline that works best for them inside that 6 months – 2 years window. AGU Journals will consider special collection proposals outside that timeframe but the organizers should explain why the additional time is necessary. 
Yes, we encourage cross-journal collections when more than one journal scope may be appropriate for your proposed topics. Please review each journal’s scope before you submit your proposal. We also welcome proposals that include special collection collaborations with non-AGU publishers. Please check the publications fee chart because publication fees vary across journals.

Papers are published online as they are ready and will be added to the special collection landing page when the final version is published. Any requests to schedule the publication of articles (e.g., to coordinate publication with another paper or journal) should be communicated to the editorial staff in advance.
Please check our policy regarding unpublished references before submitting. The policy applies to special collection papers as well. Please use a preprint server like ESS Open Archive to publish preprints of manuscripts that reference each other, which relieves authors of uploading drafts of unpublished references as part of their submission package. (There is a 1-click transfer option to ESS Open Archive on our submission site.)
Extensions to the submission deadline are considered, but not guaranteed. We recommend proposing a longer submission window if you predict delays. We aim to have full collections published around the same time instead of papers slowly publishing into the collection over many years. 
Yes, you may propose a special collection without a public call for papers. Please state this preference clearly when submitting your proposal and explain why you chose this option.
At least one, but we recommend 2-5 individuals. Successful proposals will consider the diversity (gender, race, geography, and career level) of the organizer group.
Yes, please add the published papers at the top of the list of planned papers and the editors will review them with your proposal.
Please write to [email protected] with your manuscript # and the title of the special collection.

AGU can advertise your special collection on our journal sites, on social media, through various newsletters, and at conferences. Please see our Promotional Toolkit for Special Collection Organizers and discuss your promotional plan with the special collections team after your proposal is approved.