For Authors

For more than a century, AGU Publications has been supporting researchers to advance the Earth and space sciences.

About AGU Books

The Geophysical Monograph Series, Advanced Textbook Series, and Special Publications Series are published in partnership with Wiley. GeoHorizons is an open access book series published jointly with The Geological Society of London. Find out the benefits of doing a book with AGU.

New Book Proposals

We welcome new book proposals at any time. Contact [email protected] or a member of the editorial board for an initial discussion about your idea and to discuss which series would be most appropriate. Once your ideas for a book are fully developed, prepare a proposal following our guidelines:

Guidelines for submitting a proposal to one of the series with Wiley

Guidelines and form for submitting a proposal to the GeoHorizions open access series

Preparing Your Manuscript

For the Geophysical Monograph Series, Advanced Textbook Series, and Special Publications Series

If you have been invited to write a chapter in a book, refer to the guidelines for preparing your manuscript.

Peer review of books is managed through the ScholarOne manuscript submission system. For assistance with managing your account, loading files, and preparing revisions, contact [email protected].

Accepted book chapters can be submitted to our preprint server, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, which accelerates open discovery and dissemination. Follow these instructions to load a book chapter.

For the GeoHorizons series
Further information coming soon.

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Proposal for Wiley Series
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Proposal for GeoHorizons
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Preparing Your Manuscript
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ScholarOne Manuscript Submission System

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