Satellite view of water and coastline

Section honors committees

Committees (alphabetical by section)

Name of the honor

Associated section

Atmospheric and Space Electricity Early Career Award Committee

Atmospheric and Space Electricity section 

Franklin Lecture Committee

Atmospheric and Space Electricity section             

Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Holton Junior Scientist Award Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Kaufman Award Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Turco Lectureship Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Bjerknes Lecture Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Charney Lecture Committee

Atmospheric Sciences section

Sulzman Award Committee

Biogeosciences section

Hilker Award Committee

Biogeosciences section

Sagan Lecture Committee

Biogeosciences section, Planetary Sciences section

Reeburgh Lecture Committee

Biogeosciences section, Ocean Sciences section

Cryosphere Early Career Award Committee

Cryosphere section

Nye Lecture Committee

Cryosphere section

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Awards Committee

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes section

Sharp Lecture Committee

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes section

Geodesy Awards Committee

Geodesy section

William Gilbert Award Committee

Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism section

Bullard Lecture Selection Committee

Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism section

Global Environmental Change Awards Committee

Global Environmental Change section

Eagleson Hydrologic Sciences Award Committee

Hydrology section

Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award Committee

Hydrology section

Witherspoon Lecture Committee

Hydrology section

Langbein Lecture Committee

Hydrology section

Polubarinova-Kochina Hydrologic Sciences Mid-Career Award

Hydrology section

Leptoukh Lecture Committee

Informatics section

Jamieson Award Committee

Mineral and Rock Physics section

Mineral and Rock Physics Early Career Award Committee

Mineral and Rock Physics section

Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award Committee

Mineral and Rock Physics section

Natural Hazards Section Award for Graduate Research Committee

Natural Hazards section

Gilbert White Award and Lecture Committee

Natural Hazards section

Silver Award Committee Seismology section, Tectonophysics section

Turcotte Award Committee

Nonlinear Geophysics section

Lorenz Lecture Committee

Nonlinear Geophysics section 

Ocean Sciences Honors Committee

Ocean Sciences section

Emiliani Lecture Ocean Sciences Committee

Ocean Sciences section, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section

Elderfield Award Committee

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section

Weber Award Committee

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section

Dansgaard Award Committee

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section

Whipple Award and Lecture Committee

Planetary Sciences section

Greeley Award Committee

Planetary Sciences section

Shoemaker Lecture Committee

Planetary Sciences section

Aki Award Committee

Seismology section

Gutenberg Lecture Committee

Seismology section

Basu U.S. Award Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

Basu International Award Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

Scarf Award Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

SPARC Award Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

Parker Lecture Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

Nicolet Lecture Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

Van Allen Lecture Committee

Space Physics and Aeronomy section

SEDI Award Committee

Study of the Earth's Deep Interior section

Morgan Award Committee

Tectonophysics section

Birch Lecture Committee

Tectonophysics section

Kuno Award Committee

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology section

Bowen Award and Lecture Committee

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology section

Daly Lecture Committee

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology section

Selection committees

Every honor within AGU’s honors program, including Union awards, medals, and prizes, Fellows, and section honors, has a selection committee—some section honors share committees. Each selection committee is responsible for reviewing honors nominations and submissions and selecting the winner. Selection committees operate on an annual or biannual basis, depending on the award.
Snowy mountainside with northern lights in background