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Creative Writing Competition

We are excited to announce the winners of the AbSciCon creative writing competition
Authors submitted their original poems, fiction, and non-fiction short stories realed to astrobiology and the search for life, as well as science, technology, missions, architecture, and management that goes into their work. Judge panels reviewed all entries and ranked them first, second, third and honorable mention. Thank you to all who shared their creative work!
Poetry Winners
1. Sunanda Sharma (JPL), “Jamna-Janmantar (Life-Afterlife)”
2. Rashmi Shivni (Northern Illinois University), “To you out there, looking for me.”
3. Daniel Lappin (Interogenesis Designs), “Stardust Dreaming Protocells”
Honorable Mention: Dork Sahagian (Lehigh University), “Four Little Limericks”
Fiction Winners
1. Michael Wong (Carnegie Institution for Science), “Unpotting Day”
2. Donald Glaser (Arizona State University), “Situation 2101”
3. Aaron Engelhart (University of Minnesota), “Water: A Memoir”
Honorable Mention: Muammar Mansor (University of Tübingen), “A Report on the Europans”
Non-fiction Winners
1. Chris Impey (University of Arizona), “Why Are We So Lonely?”
2. Lisa Walker (University of California, Davis), “Song of the Curious Alien: Humpback Whales as Proxy”
Original Submission Guidelines
Submit your original poem, fiction, or non-fiction short story to the AbSciCon Creative Writing Competition.
Stories need to be related to astrobiology and the search for life, but can also focus on science, technology, missions, architecture, and management that goes into your work.
- Winners must be over 18 years of age to receive a prize.
- The use of artificial intelligence to write pieces is prohibited.
- Poetry submissions are limited to 250 words. There is no restriction on the style of poetry.
- Fiction and non-fiction pieces are limited to 5,000 words.
The submission period closed 22 March 2024. Thank you to all who submitted an entry!
Important Dates for Writing Competition
February |
23 |
Competition platform opens. First day to submit entries.
March |
22 |
Deadline to submit your original poem or short story is at 11:59 PM EST.
March and April |
Judge panels review all submissions and rank them first, second, third and honorable mention.
April |
Late |
Winners are notified. All submitted works are included in the AbSciCon program.