Program & Schedule
Session Formats
AbSciCon24 will offer session formats that foster and encourage discussion across the meeting including:
- Expanding open discussion and engagement times.
- Recording most sessions so they are available to all attendees.
- Accessing most presentations and posters online.
- Accommodating virtual presentations as much as possible.
Oral Session
eLightning Session
These 90-minute scientific sessions will be allocated by the program committee after abstract submission. These 90-minute, live, in-person sessions begin with three-minute lightning talks from each presenter with:
- An overview of their dynamic, digital, and interactive poster.
- Discussion of their digital poster at their assigned touchscreen monitor following the lightning talk.
Poster Session
Online Discussion Session
Town Hall
Proposed by the community and open to all meeting participants, these one-hour sessions , are best for:
- Collecting feedback or raising awareness.
- Government agencies, academic programs, special projects and other focused interest groups to deliver updates and gather input from the broader astrobiology community.
- Presentation, roundtable or panel discussion formats.
Approved town halls will be focused on topics that do not compete with, substitute or duplicate scientific or learning sessions.