Devendra Lal Memorial Medal
Now Accepting Nominations!
Career Stage
Early Career
Middle Career
Award Type
Union Medal
Of Note
Confers Union Fellowship;
Invitation to present at annual meeting;
Only open to non-US-based candidates;
Peer OR self-nomination permitted
Submission Window
3 January - 28 February
Established 2017

Recognizing Scientists in Economically Developing Countries

The Devendra Lal Memorial Medal is given annually to an early- or mid-career scientist in recognition of outstanding research in Earth and/or space sciences by a scientist belonging to and working in developing country. Recipients of this medal may work across any Earth and space science discipline.

The Devendra Lal Medal is named in honor of Professor Devendra Lal, a distinguished geophysicist whose work spanned diverse areas of the Earth and space sciences. He is best known for his role in founding and developing the field in which cosmic rays produced isotopes on Earth and are used as tracers to investigate a wide range of Earth science problems.

Honor Benefits
Recipients receive the following:

  • An engraved medal
  • Lifetime membership to AGU
  • Induction into the AGU College of Fellows (if the honoree has been an AGU member for three consecutive years and is not already a Fellow with exceptions allowed in cases of financial hardship as determined by AGU)
  • Recognition at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
  • An invitation to present at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
  • Four hotel nights and two tickets to the Honors Banquet at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded

Criteria for a Successful Nomination

Nominees are evaluated on the following:

The nominee's body of published work, as well as their contributions to human capital in a developing country.


How the nominee's work has made a significant impact on their field, and/or to its growth, through influencing current and future research at a broader level, particularly in the developing country in which they work.


Nominees must also demonstrate notable service to their field, and alignment with AGU’s mission and vision.


The nominee must be:
  • a citizen of and work in a country defined by the World Bank as being “low” or “lower-middle” income

  • World Bank Classifications
  • an early-career or middle-career scientist within 10 to 20 years of receiving their Ph.D. or highest equivalent terminal degree

  • Read Career Stage Policy
Nominators must be active AGU members.
All Parties
Must be in compliance with AGU's conflict of interest and professional conduct policies.
Read AGU's Ethics Policies